All Good Things Must Come To An End

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(Warning, blood and suicide ahead.)

(Y/N) and Sora enjoyed their dates for the past few days, it was a mixed feeling for the two. Both dreaded the day that (Y/N) has to move away.

Sora looked outside her window and hugged her legs close to her chest. A-chan looked at her worryingly, she approached her and cleared her throat. "Sora-chan? You're ah. An hour late." Sora hummed and kept staring outside. A-chan looked at her in pity and sighed then decided to sit across her by the window. "Listen, I know it sucks Sora. But you gotta move on, besides, he'll be back!" Sora closed her eyes and hid her face into her arms. "There's no breakup so nothing's official!" A-chan tried to comfort her.

Sora dropped the paper she was holding, A-chan grabbed it. "Sora, I'm gonna be straightforward. I really enjoyed this past few days that we've been together. I loved every single bit of it. Thank you for everything you've done, thank for being my sunshine even for a short time. But I want you to move on, I want you to focus on your dream. Please take comfort on that I'll be watching and supporting you as your best friend. I'll be seeing you soon Sora.
With best wishes, (Y/N).'

A-chan looked up and was saddened for the poor girl. She folded the piece of paper and shoved it in her pockets. "You heard the man, Sora. Focus on your dreams, I know what he's doing is selfish but.. But you still got a bright future ahead of you." A-chan nudged Sora a bit. "Hey, you may never know. You two might end up together again and get married~" A-chan teased, Sora ears turned red as she huffed and looked back up at A-chan. "Screw you.." Sora managed to smile and slid her legs over. "Well, I guess I should start now? Everyone's waiting." A-chan smiled and nodded as the two friends hopped off and walked over to the setup.

On the other side of town. (Y/N) was a walking zombie, his face was just devoid of emotions. He was stumbling a bit, blood running down from his arms and wrist. He coughed out some blood, the people were staring but none dared to help him.

Everyone thought that (Y/N) got into some bad business or had a run in with the Yakuzas. But the truth, it was just his cut wounds reopening.

He chuckled to himself as he held the bag close, he soon arrived in their apartment. The girl behind the counter was at shock, she stood up but (Y/N) immediately stopped her. "Don't worry, I'm fine.." She hesitantly sat back down as she watched him walked up the stairs. She opened her number book and looked for Tanigo's number.

(Y/N) gently set the gift for Sora in their living room, he placed the spare keys that was given to him by A-chan on their coffee table. He smiled softly before walking out and locking A-chan's apartment.

After Sora's busy day, both her and A-chan were walking home. Sora dancing and singing around really lifted her spirit, although still a bit sad with (Y/N) leaving. They both soon arrived and both immediately saw the bag and the spare keys. "Hm?" A-chan hummed as she walked over and grabbed her spare keys. "How kind, he left my spare keys." Sora chuckled before walking over and opening the bag, she gasped as she pulled out the teddy bear that she window shopped.

A-chan smiled at pats Sora's back. A-chan rose her eyebrows as she pulled a paper behind the bears back. "Hey look, it's his name." Sora looked over and giggled. "Ankimo? Could be a bit more creative but since (Y/N) gave his name, I'll gladly accept it." She smiled, A-chan checked the bag and her eyes widen as she gently grabbed a jade dress, it looked really beautiful. "S-sora-chan." Sora looked over, she froze, her jaws were hanging open. Tears formed around the corners of her eyes. "But it was so expensive!" A-chan chuckled and gently set the dress down on the table.

Sora hugged the bear close as she inspected the dress. "It looks so beautiful.." A-chan giggled as she closed the door. She turned around and saw Sora reading another letter. "Heh, guess I'll be waiting for him. He promised he'll be coming back for me." A-chan giggled and rolls her eyes.

Sora giggled as she toyed with Ankimo, the bear was somewhat alive. Neither A-chan or Sora can explain at how Ankimo was moving around, he was like a dog! It felt Sora's sadness and it immediately hugged her. A-chan awed at this and chuckled.

(Y/N) smiled and chuckled at himself, staring out at the river, admiring at how the reflections of the swaying trees, strangely. He admired the reflection of the lights, he seemed to be drawn by it. He wondered why but he didn't had enough time to think about it. He chuckled to himself as he used the railing to get himself up on the railing. Many thoughts rolled through his mind, he did wonderful if this was worth it. Ending himself. He just want to go back home and see the smile of his best friend, her warmth and her laugh. He missed everything about her. He sighed and looked down at the water, seeing his reflection. He saw nothing but a broken man, a broken heart and a broken mind. All of his problems and the feelings he kept bottled inside him finally burst and caught up. He felt every emotion possible as each memories flash before him. His fists shook, he let out a shaky sigh as he looked up and admired the sky.

Closing his eyes, he remembered Sora's smile, her laughter, her cute personality, her movement. Everything she does makes him happy but this memories were immediately replaced by his best friend smiling, playing with him, laughing with him, eating, cooking, baking and falling with him. He chuckled as he saw his best friend, her arms stretched towards him. "Come on (Y/N)! Let's go play!" He smiled as he stepped forward, his eyes immediately opened as he fell off the railing, his eyes widen in pure shock and horror. Everything seemed to slow down for him, every memories now started flashing.

As he made impact with the water, he coughed out blood. He felt cold, he couldn't feel anything. He was panicking, he tried to move every fiber in his being. Soon, he was blinded with a flash of light which made him close his eyes. Once he opened, he saw a small girl, a strand of hair was standing up, making it look like a halo and she had small wings accessories on her hair.

She had a smile on her face but her eyes told a different story. (Y/N) didn't seem to notice it but he smiled back, he let out a smile as he finally accepted his fate. 'I found you.. Uto..' With those final thoughts, he finally closed his eyes.

Sora felt a pang on her heart. She had a bad feeling about it but she decided to shrug it off but decided to keep it at the back of her head. Ankimo immediately made his way towards Sora and hugged her immediately, which the girl appreciated.

A small girl hid in the shadows as she watched the strangers pull (Y/N)'s body ashore. Soon, she saw Tanigo running down to his son's lifeless body. She held and fought her tears back, her breathing was shaky. A hand was placed on her shoulder, she was startled but when she turned around, she felt relief. "I'm sorry.." The small girl only gave her sensei a nod. "Come Uto-chan, don't you think it's time to greet him?" Uto nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Hai.. Kanata-sensei.." Kanata flew but Uto decided to stay for a bit and saw the painful expression of her own father, she rubbed her arms and closed her eyes. "What am I gonna do.. What can I do.." She whispered to herself.

"A soul for a soul." A bone chilling laugh boomed behind her she turned around and saw no one else but the Grim Reaper itself. Her eyes immediately met it's hollow eye sockets. "I.."

"I-I.." Uto was lost, for once she had no idea what to do. She looked back up and took a deep sigh.

She opened her mouth to say something.

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