Near The Breaking Point

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Sora's smile shone through (Y/N) darkened and steeled heart. He chuckled to himself and watched Sora goof around her new 3d model. 'Guess dad can be right after all.'  He sighed sadly as he knew that he had to leave again because of his father's work. In order to keep this new company alive he has to pull some strings in other places and pull in some support.

Sora looked over to (Y/N) and smiled he smiled back as well but both knew that these smile hides the pain they're truly feeling.
Both wanted to avoid the topic but they know that they need to address it. Sora is unsure and scared but (Y/N) knows what to do, it pains him but if it's gonna save Sora's career, he's willing to do it.

Sora goofed around some more, this seemed to make her fans happy. A-chan was beside him, checking the stream if there was any hiccups. (Y/N) sighed and rubbed his temples. "Goddamn.." He held his words back. He looked towards her chat and saw some people commenting about him and spamming for Sora to notice them.

A-chan looked towards him, she immediately felt bad for the boy. "(Y/N)?" He didn't answer, he was too busy in his own little world. She sighed and rubbed her forehead.

(Y/N) just walked back slightly and left the rec room, Sora saw this and pleaded with Sora using her eyes. A-chan nodded and immediately went after him, she saw him leaning over the railing, his fists clenched and visibly shaking in anger. A-chan walked over and rubbed his back. "Hey, hey. I know I know. Look, you and Sora will get through this alright? I know you two will." (Y/N) stayed quiet, anger still visible. (Y/N) punched the wall beside him, the amount of strength shown scared A-chan. "Listen (Y/N), please. Don't let this get to you, please stay strong for Sora-chan. Don't let this get to you, I'll be here to help you and Sora-chan." (Y/N) nodded silently and sighed quietly. "I. I need to be alone with my thoughts." A-chan nodded and backed away. "I understand, just don't do anything stupid, okay?" (Y/N) didn't respond, A-chan sighed and left.

A-chan went back in and nodded at Sora, Sora showed a relief expression, she continued talking to her fans. A-chan looked back towards the door in worry but was surprised when the man himself walked in. "Ah, mister Tanigo. Surprise to see you here." He nodded and walked beside her. "How's Sora?" A-chan closed the chat window and sat back on her chair. "She's doing good, her fans are somewhat ah. They're good enough." Tanigo nodded as he continued observing Sora. "The mic quality can be improved though, her voice spikes a bit and the mic does kinda cut out for a while." Tanigo nodded and rubbed his chin.

A-chan got surprised when (Y/N) walked up beside her and also watched Sora. (Y/N) had a distant look on his eyes, A-chan noticed this but decided not to bring it up. The three watched in silence, deciding to just watch.

Soon, Sora finished and her and (Y/N) decided to go out and eat.

"Sora, I know the ah. Harassment we've been getting these past few days." Sora sighed and nodded. "Listen, I know it sucks but.. Me and dad have to move away again." Sora dropped her utensils and looked at him. "Again..?" He nodded and sighed. "It sucks, I know Sora. But we can use this we can lie to your fans about us breaking up." Sora doubted this plan but agreed nonetheless, she want this whole drama to be over. "I'll be leaving this 28th." Sora looked at the calendar. "26th.. We only have a few days left.." (Y/N) smiled sadly and held her hand. "Listen, after your schedules, we can go out and eat again, how's that sound?" Sora smiled and nodded. "I'd love to!"

The two enjoyed their night together, browsing, window shopping and shopping altogether.

A few fans of Sora recognized her and approached her, admiring her beauty and complimenting her. Once they saw (Y/N) they got angry and yelled at his face, a few decided throw some punches and spits, which (Y/N) easily dodge.

"Stop it! If you guys won't stop then I won't be coming tomorrow to stream!" They didn't seem to stop. "I called the police, you brats!" Sora yelled in desperation, the fans decided to stop and hesitantly apologized and ran away.

(Y/N) looked really tired all of a sudden. He rubbed his eyes and Sora ran up to him. "You alright?" He nodded quietly. "Come on, let's go home." Sora supported him and started walking home. (Y/N) was close to breaking, some few bad memories started to flood back in after that encounter. Sora got extremely worried at his quietness. They soon arrived at their apartment.

"Don't worry about me okay? I jusy need sleep and I'll be fine. I promise, tomorrow I'm gonna treat you out at your favourite restaurant." Sora smiled slightly and hugged him close, he hugged her back. "I love you.."

(Y/N) hesitated but sighed to himself. "I love you too.."

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