The Knots That Ties

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Sora only received the news after 2 months has passed. She didn't hesitate to come over and visit him, the travel for her was definitely exhausting.

Sora was absent for four months, her fans grew worried, there was no news from her, her management or the parent company. It's gotten to the point where they have witch hunts to look for her which forced Sora to wear a wig to look different.

For the4 months she stayed beside (Y/N), she continued blaming herself for what happened to him. A-chan soon followed her friend, comforting her in her time of need.

In the end, Sora continued her dream, for herself and the promise she's made for (Y/N).

Tanigo looked at the two and sighed. These four months has been hell for him and Sora, even more so that he decided to bring in two more girls under the banner of Hololive. Trying to juggle his responsibility as a father and as a CEO has been dealing a toll on his mental health. A-chan decided that she'll handle the 3 girls for the time being while looking managers for them to try and get some stress of from Tanigo's shoulders. The old man appreciated the gesture.

Tanigo made a pre-recorded message and sent it over to Haato. He sighed and rubbed his face. He's more worried at how she'll react, she hasn't been doing well overseas.

A full year has passed, (Y/N) has finally woken up from his coma but the damage was a lot worse than they imagined. He has lost some bits and pieces of his memories. Tanigo was a bit relieved that (Y/N) still remembers him but he has no idea who Sora or Haato was. This worried the old man a lot more.

Haato, Sora and Tanigo were in the same call, discussing on what to do. "Tanigo-oji,  I'm coming home. You can't tell me otherwise!" Haato slammed her fist on her desk, Sora flinched a bit but Tanigo remained neutral. "Your father paid everything just to get you there, the best you can do for him is finish your damn school." Haato looked more pissed. "I can't wait for 2 more years! He needs me too!" Sora sat there uncomfortably as she listened in. "Why's Sora-senpai here anyways?!" Tanigo glared at Haato before sighing. "She's one of (Y/N)'s ex. She deserves to be here." Haato clicked her tongue and sat back on her chair. "Listen Haato, finish your damn studies first! Don't test me!" Tanigo yelled, Haato just disconnected from the call.

The old man massaged his temples and closed his eyes. "Still stubborn." Sora rubbed her arm and cleared her throat. "What are we gonna do?" Tanigo took his time to reply back. He shifted on his chair and looked into the camera. "I think it's time we head back home. It's not that far away from the office so you can visit from time to time. I hope being home will jog some of his memories." Sora nodded and closed her eyes, sighing.

Sora reopened her eyes and looked around, the airport filled to the brim with people. She continued to draw a big red heart then held it in front of her. A small blonde girl immediately walked up to her. "Let's go senpai." Sora nodded as she walked away from the railing, the two regrouped and walked out of the airport. "Continuing college here?" Sora asked, the smaller girl nodded as she kept walking. "Yagoo already enrolled me in the same school as (Y/N)." Sora noddrd and continued accompanying her. "He remembers you, but I don't think he'll recognize you. You have changed a lot from what I've seen from your childhood pics, Haato-chan."

Both girls continued walking, reaching their school. Both were surprised when they saw that Yagoo was waiting for them. Haato slightly glared but approached nonetheless.

"Haato-san, great to meet you again. I understand you're angry but here, you got another chance with him again." Sora looked a bit hurt but decided to look away to hide the pain. Haato grunted as she walked into the school, leaving the two.

Yagoo only sighed and walked to his car. "No thanks, I'll take a walk to get to the office." Sora gave an answer to Yagoo, he only nodded as he hopped in and drove away.

Sora began walking back, holding her chest tightly. "I hate this feeling.." She muttered to herself, taking some deep breaths, she closed her eyes for a moment. Her ears perked when she heard out voices.

From kids and from what sounded like a teen. "Noisy brats." Sora opened her eyes immediately and saw (Y/N) plugging his earphones in. Tears started forming around the corners of her eyes, she immediately ran to the alleyway, running wherever her legs takes her to.

Sora reached a open field and fell to her knees. "Why's life so cruel.." She muttered before looking back up to the skies and yelled her lungs out.

Haato waited impatiently as she scrolled through her phone. She heard the door open, she immediately closed her phone and looked up, ready to greet (Y/N). When she saw the boy walk in, her face turned into a pure disappointment. She sighed as she watched him. 'Loner.'

She sat there annoyed and bored, listening to the teacher announce everything she already knows. The loner kid got called up to introduce himself, she rolled my eyes.

Her eyes immediately widened, her heart fluttered as  she immediately looked at him. 'T-that's him?!'

Ankimo made his way towards Sora and handed her a flower, though it's colours were split in the middle. On the left side, it has a crimson red while on the right side, it's a bright red.

Sora looked at the flower worryingly, Ankimo only nodded. She sighed before grabbing the flower. She held it close to her heart and took a deep breath. "I guess I don't have a choice now huh.." She chuckled as tears started flowing down. "Whatever happens, I'll be a friend for him to lean on." Ankimo nodded and the bear looked happy in it's own way.

(I might rewrite this story, there's a lot of holes in this story. Ja ne, I'll see you guys in the main book "The Bestfriend Vtuber.")


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