chapter 2

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Come let us sing for joy to the Lord let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation. Psalm 95: 1
Amani pov
The car was comfortable with a good smell as soft music was playing.I could not get the words of the song. I was not familiar with the language it sounded like the Arabic. I thought so because most of the people here were Arabs.

Hannah was on her phone busy texting someone. I thought it was her boyfriend because she could not stop smiling.

As for me I looked through the window enyoying the Beautiful city. I had never been in such beautiful city.

" Oh my goodness the house are so beautiful" I shouted when I saw a building with walls that were shiny blue and purple glass.

Realizing I was shouting I closed my mouth with my palm turning to Hannah who was still on her phone this time on her headphones. Was glad I didn't shout that loud or maybe she was too busy to hear me shout.

Looking at the driver he had a small smile at the corner of his mouth.
Suddenly he looked at the side mirror and our eyes met. He had taken off the glasses a while ago and now I could see his brown eyes they were beautiful .

Realizing I was getting lost in his eyes I quickly looked outside and pretended to be serious.

We had already gone for ten minutes and Hannah was still on her phone smiling .If this is her boyfriend then they must be so inlove, i thought to my self.
I planned on asking her about it when we  were alone.

I checked my phone to see if there was any message. Their were some message s in the WhatsApp mostly from the groups .

After checking and seing nothing interesting was there I returned it back to my purse.

" I hope you did not get bored by me being on my phone for a long time"
I was taken aback by Hannah who was not on her phone anymore.

"No It's okey I understand."
"Thanks" she replied while smiling.

" Is it your boyfriend?" I abruptly asked
"No" she said while blushing
" Is a guy I recently met we are just getting to know each other first."

" Ooh I get" those are the only words I had for now.

Hannah and I had never had such conversation so I did not have words that were good enough.

For instance it would be in appropriate to tell her something like. "Look at you all bubbly over a guy" or "gal you are whipped"
Am not really good at this .

We had already reached to our destination and the car was coming to an halt.

Hannah paid the tax driver and asked him if he could fetch us after one hour or so but he said that he would wait.

" Okey we will be back in a hour or so" Hannah said as we ended to the mall.

.??? POV

Today was not an exciting day after what I had encountered yesterday.
Yesterday my last customers were drunk ladies. Everything seemed all good when I picked them up until one had puke in my car.

She apologized saying she would double the tip. I was so angered especially when the other lady started calling me sweet caramel. All I wanted is for them  to get out of my car.

I had to bear with them until we got to their apartment.

So today I did not wake up early and after then I decided to take I different route from that which I have been taking the past few days.

And after driving slowly for 15 minutes, I saw two ladies from a  far they walked slowly as if they were waiting for a tax.

They were both black ladies . The short lady approached me her skin tone was a nice alluring Amber but my eyes were on the lady with the milk chocolate shade .She was beautiful.

I listened to the short lady as I stole glances to the milk chocolate lady.
Everything about her was beautiful.

I could not stop looking at her through my side mirror. How can someone be overloaded with this beauty.

Amani POV
After what seemed like hours we were through we were through with the shopping.

The brown caramel guy was still waiting for us realizing I had already gave him a nick name I chuckled.

"What is it?" Hannah asked
" It's nothing" I replied

Just after seeing us he got out of the car and came running towards us .

Milk chocolate, brown caramel 😀😀
I enjoyed writing this...💓🌹

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