chapter 3

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Amani POV
" the darkness I will dance  in the shadows I will sing the joy of the Lord is my strength.."  I was dancing  while i sang  the song the  Joy of the Lord by Rend collective.

I had already taken my shower I  wore  sweatpants as I ended to kitchen.
Today I was going to  buy some groceries
after breakfast.

"Oh how will I get  there ?"   I remembered  I was not yet familiar with the place. I was three days old in the big city of Doha but it did not feel so. I  will probably  adopt here sooner than I expected.

I took my phone from the sofa and dialed Hannah's number.
"Hello  hello dear, good morning"
" Good morning dear,I hope I did not wake you up."
"No you didn't am actually ending to work"

"Ooh!! I thought you are reporting on Monday."
"Yeah I was to, but my boss called last night  he needs some help in the office. Did you need some help or something?"

"Uh yeah I wanted to grab some groceries and..."
She cut in " am sorry I forgot you needed some groceries,  wait.!! I can call  Ali  he seemed like a good guy"
"Wait!! Who is Ali?'
  "The tax driver I took his number after he dropped  me yesterday"

"Uuuh ok then'"
" Are you okay or I.."
" No no it's okay "
" Let me call him right away"
" Thanks gal .good day"
" Good  day too"

I guess I am going to see the beautiful guy again uh! Beautiful eeh that not good at all what's wrong with me
Wait!!  Most probably he is a Muslim guy. Ali  is  Arabic name and mostly used my Muslims.

I was lost in thoughts. I  dropped my phone in the sofa and ended to the kitchen.
I needed  to take something before Ali gets here.
I  broke some eggs  in the bowl, today I wanted to take some french toast.
Duh! Duh! The door bell rang.
Would that be Ali, if so that was first. 

Looking through the peep hole was Ali standing outside holding his car keys.
He wore black sunglasses, black tee and brown khaki pants with white  sneakers he looked good.
Duh! duh!
Oh my goodness this is not good at all Amani grow up.
I quickly opened the door.

" Good morning "
"Good morning Amani"
Oh he knows my name? c' mon  he  heard Hannah calling you like a thousand times yesterday.
" Hannah called and told me that you needed a taxi"
" Yeah yeah"
" So?"
"I didn't think you would be this fast"
" I was nearby when she called so I thought ..."
"Ook ok I get " I cut in

" Come in please , make yourself comfortable"

I ended to the kitchen no way I was going hungry I  hardly ate anything last night.
I quickly prepared the french toast and made coffee

" Welcome" I said as I placed our breakfast on the table
" Can we pray please"
He continued looking at me with a confused face . Oh I recalled he is  probably  a non Christian I prayed anyways.

" Thank you Lord for this morning, thank you for the breakfast you have given to us as we take it how we pray it will be of no harm to our bodies in Jesus  name amen"
I realized he was still in  the same posture   before we prayed.

I sat down and  took a sip of my cofee it was still hot

" Mmm! it smells nice."
He broke the silence which was starting to become uncomfortable.
" Thanks"
" It yummy too"
I looked at him, he seemed to enjoy every single bite.
  " You can have more"
He nodded without resisting
I  quickly took the last sip.
I realized I needed to make my self ready without wasting more of his time.

" I will be back in a few"
" Ok"
I quickly went to my  bedroom, I had to plan quickly on what to wear. I took my black jeans and a yellow top.
What about the shoes?. As I checked my shoe rank I noticed the white sneakers they looked almost exactly like  his. Uumm!. these are the shoes am wearing . I started laughing at my silly thinking.
After I was done with the dressing I planned to put some light makeup am normally not a make up person  but i planned on doing it today.
  When I was through  I sat on my bed  and started praying .I always did so before getting out of the house.

"Dear God thank you for this day as I head out I pray  that you may be with  me . I also thank you for Ali who is taking me . May we be under your protection in Jesus name amen.
I said the Lord's prayer  and headed to the door.
Looking at the sitting room he was not there and then I heard water splashing in the kitchen.
Oh my goodness Ali was doing the wash up . I stood  at the door , I  could not help but smile . He looked back showing a small smile  "what?"
" You did not have to do that "
" This is the least I could do after that yummy breakfast"

I helped him put the untensils on the  rank.
I took my purse and we were ready to go.

We were already in the car and the soft music was playing.  Am not good at small talk but I planned to start one.

" It's a beautiful day today "
" Yeah it is"
We went silent for some minutes  and I planned to continue with the talk.

" So Ali  are you from here"
"Woow you know my name?" he said with a smile.
" Yeah Hannah told me today"
" I see. and yeah this is my home country"
"You  have a beautiful city"
" So you like it"
" Yeah"
We  once more went for onother silence and as for me I was out of words so  I decided to view the Beautiful city.

" How long have you been here?"
he broke the silence
" This is the third day."
"So  when are you planning to tour the city"
" Uuhm! I guess I will  get to know it slowly by slowly"
" So why are you here?"
" Job."
I quickly  answered as if I was waiting for the questions.
" When are you reporting?"
" On Tuesday morning"
" Seems you have some more days to go"
" Yeah I wanted to come that early  so that I  would be settled before starting the job."
" That a good plan"
We arrived at the  grocery stores.
Ali quickly got from the  car and quickly opened the door for me.
Back in my country this is a rare thing.
We ended to the stores as he followed me.

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