Chapter Nineteen

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"Alexandra Maria Alvarez, the daughter that was almost killed due to her own stupidity."

Nick's sharp comment makes me snap back to reality. I am too shocked to reply to such a harsh comment.

"If you would've avoided publicity rather than saying to everyone, oooh I'm the President's daughter, then maybe things would've been different!"

I realise my head is resting against the centre console, so I sit up before succumbing to Nick's heated expression and cruel but true words.
"Do me a favour Maria!" Nick commands," And stay with your father! You almost got me killed!"
"Then why did you come for me?" I ask with sincerity.

This silences Nick. He seems to be considering his words carefully before he would, inevitably, respond to my question. Only that he doesn't respond, rather he takes this as a moment to have silence. However, I hunger for answers.
"Why did you come for me?" I ask again. "How did you know where I was? How did you actually find me?"

Nick ignores me, looking straight at the road. I look away, trying to make sense of the blurry landscape that flies past the shattered window. More of the glass seems to have fallen out, as only a few tiny shards remain. I look at my hands, which are covered in small cuts and abrasions. I am exhausted, after all, I am unfamiliar with running for your own life as my air-bubble home constantly protected me from harm's way. Now, I do not have such creature comforts.

"I came for you because I think you have much more of a future than back in your father's country."
I look at Nick, whose eyes are still on the road, yet, I know he is aching to set his eyes on me. Nick glances at me before speaking once again.

"I am taking you to my residence not far from here," he explains. "Then, you can decide on what you would like to do, under my discretion."

Yet again, another prison without bars.

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