Chapter Twelve

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A scratching noise near my ear awakens me...

I sit up and turn around, making a racket as I do so. My heart beats as I search the eerie darkness for whatever awakened me. I pat the area around me to find anything, however, I find nothing. I sit up for a short while, listening to the most beautiful sound on Earth: the sound of silence.

I hear the faint snoring of Thomas carrying down the small corridor that leads to my bedroom. I look outside the open window, the breeze gently blowing through the room-

The open window!

This is an opportunity for me to escape! To have another go at my freedom; my freedom that seems to be facing me in the face.

I quietly slip off my bed and walk around my bedroom blindly, trying to find my shoes. I trip on them, slamming my hands against the wall to prevent from falling. I slowly reach down and feel around for them, not knowing what else I will find. I feel the soft, fabric sole of one and the hard, leather outside of the other. I pick them up and climb back onto my bed. I slip them on, not bothering with the laces. I rummage in my suitcase for my coat and yank in out, emptying half my suitcase as I do so. I yank my pyjamas off and put my coat on over the shirt I am wearing. I walk over to the doorway leading to the corridor and quietly close the door, hoping Thomas isn't watching me now. I pause for a moment, listening out for Thomas' quiet snoring. Yes, it's still there.

After quietly closing the door, I walk over to the window. I feel in my pockets. Phone? Yes. Wallet? Yes. Money? No. I'm hoping I can find some somewhere, or if worse gets to worse, to sell my phone. No problem.

I fiddle in my pocket for my wallet and pull it out. Immediately, there is a problem...

It's not mine.

I open it and discover that it's Janet's, and contains her personal details in it. She has a wad of American dollars, which can be exchanged for Euro currency. Rather guiltily, I shove the wallet back in my jacket pocket, and shove my suitcase under my bed, hoping I haven't forgotten anything important. I feel in my pockets for anything else and find my passport and travel documentation. All set to go.

I sit on my window sill with my legs dangling down into nothingness. I stretch out further and gently nudge something hard. I shift so my leg is longer, my left foot touching a hard surface. I take a deep breath and look behind me, seeing if Thomas has somehow awoken. He hasn't and only the darkness is left in my bedroom for me to take in. I exhale, hoping all my concerns will rid themselves using my exhaled breath. I shut my eyes tight and slip myself off the window sill.

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