part 6

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Rose and her team arrive to the potions lab and they see Allison sitting and professor le frog checking on her. Rose and her group approach Allison and professor le frog greets them "oh, hello joy, don't worry your friend is getting better but she's seems to be sick i'm going to need her to stay a little longer." Joy tells her grandpa "actually she normally looks like that, so you don't have to do anything else." Professor le frog looked at her with disbelief and looks back to Allison thinking how odd her sickly looking face and skin was but he decides to let her be and says "oh, I see, well, please be careful your injury seems to be very bad so take care." He then left the room. Now alone astoria says to Allison "why did you go out there? We said to stay there." Allison with a guilty look says "I heard everything happening I had a feeling in me that told me that I couldn't just sit and do nothing so as much as I was unsure of it I decided to do something I felt it telling to." Hawk adds to this saying to his team "we can't be mad at her she obviously has the heart of hero I probably would have done the same thing." Allison's face gets a grateful expression and ling ling agrees saying "I have to agree she got hurt to help us and she didn't want to do nothing." Allison says to them "I know I'm mostly likely going to get you all into trouble so if it helps i'll leave immediately." Astoria looked into Allison's face and suddenly her anger of Allison for being seen now turned into remorse and Astoria said to Allison with her frowning face "you don't have to go yet besides everyone is really curious about you." Her team looks surprised at what she said and Allison gets small smile on her face "well if you say I can." Then someone enters the room everyone turns their head to who was there and they see shawn. He walks towards Allison "hey, how are you?" Joy answers for Allison "grandpa says she'll be fine but she should be careful for now." shawn looks at Allison "but why does she still look like that?" Allison explains "it's normal for me." shawn looks closer at her "oh, sorry if i said something bad." travis immediately change the subject "so what did grandpa want with me anyway?" shawn explains "i don't know i think something about training. also you should head to him now." shawn waves bye to them and leaves.

later with coach beast

the team walked into the dragon riding area and Allison looks around amazed by it all "do you all ride dragons?" hawk quickly says "yeah and I'm one of the best ones." they reach coach beast and he smiles "good your here I'm going to-" he stops when he sees Allison and he stares at her and she tells him "you know that's kind of rude." he shakes his head "sorry, uh, who are you?" she stretches her arm to him to shake hands "I'm Allison." coach beast ask "wait a minute, aren't you the one that defeated the bad wolf?" Allison explains "i didn't beat him i distracted him for a bit and Astoria and hawk stopped him." coach beast responds "yeah but you were brave back there." Allison ask "so what did you want?" coach beast pulled his wand out and created an obstacle course. travis freaks out "wait, you want me to go through that." coach beast smirks "isn't it obvious?" rose says "come on you can do it." ling ling adds to it "rose is right this won't be the first one you went into." travis looks at the obstacles "but none of them were like this!" Allison looked at each obstacle and turns to travis "you know, if you fail to beat it you could just try again until you can do it." rose then pulls travis "she's right if can't beat it now just keep trying until you do." travis gulps and readies himself and begins to run in but he gets knocked out immediately by a swing object. everyone chuckles at him and for the rest of the day rose and her team show Allison the rest of the school.

later that day

Allison and rose and her team sit around studying while Allison learns more of the fairytale world. rose says "well, one more class then we go home." astoria adds "and you never come back here, alright?" Allison nods. hawk ask her "so did you have fun today?" Allison answers "it's been great i went against the bad wolf, i got a tour of the school and watched travis fail repeatedly on those obstacles." travis getting grumpy says "well, I'm glad you all laughed at me failing." Everyone except Travis and Allison laughed. she tells them "there was one thing i didn't get to experience though." joy ask "what is it?" Allison says "a ball." ling ling says to this "that's too bad there isn't one happening." then an elderly looking woman who looked a bit like rose but old came up to them "hello everyone how are you all?" rose looked up and said "we're alright granny." Allison looked at her "oh, so your rose's grandmother." H. M. Cinderella shook her hand "i am and also the head mistress of regal academy. i don't recognize you." Everyone got worried but Allison answered "I'm not i really wanted to see this place and i snuck in here. but i promise to leave and not come back." H. M. Cinderella was surprised but said "you could get into trouble but i won't tell anyway as long as you don't cause any trouble." Allison swears not to and H. M. Cinderella leaves. astoria sighs in relief "that was close. why did you tell her?!" Allison explains "i thought it would be ok since she seemed friendly." then a very beautiful girl walked in and greeted everyone "hi everyone." Allison whisper "who's that?" rose explains "that's hawk's sister falla." hawk ask "what is it?" falla says "well, granny is having a ball in snow white castle tomorrow night i think she's trying to find you a princess to marry one day." hawk upset says "please tell me your joking." Allison ask falla "excuse me but is this going to be a ball?" falla answers "uhh, yeah, i guess it is, ummm, who are you?" Allison introduces herself "I'm Allison I'm a new friend of theirs." she shakes falla's hand and falla ask "are you planning to go to the snow white castle?" astoria quickly answers "no she's not because she has to go home." Falla says "oh, well, its nice meeting you." She waves bye to her and leaves. Allison says to the group "I really wish I could go." Rose looks at Allison feeling bad but thinks its fine since connor, anna and maria might be able cheer her up. And then she realizes something important and urgently ask Allison "what are you going to tell anna, maria and connor!" Everyone stops what their doing and looks at Allison with worry in their faces. She says "don't worry, I told them that I was going to spend the day with our friend Reggie." Hawk ask "who's Reggie?" Allison explains "someone we know who we buy stuff from."

After the last class

Rose, travis and Allison walk through the portal back to earth and Allison heads home. Allison walks through the door and connor immediately greets her and ask "so how was it with reggie?" Allison says "pretty much what you would expect." Anna comes in and says "maria needs help with a package and I need connor." Allison heads down stairs to help maria and when she leaves anna ask "so did you notice anything strange about her?" Connor says "not really she seemed to be the same except... I don't know, what it is but she seemed less negative." Anna looks at him not understanding "so what she's happy?" Connor says "I guess, you could say that." Anna tells him "I didn't get much from reggie he was clueless." Connor responds "well, if I had to guess I think she and rose were hanging out."  Anna retorts "she went to her school I don't think they would let Allison inside." Connor cross his arms and thinks more "we should find more clues to where she was." Anna curiously ask "by the way, are you mad at her for lying?" Connor responds "I haven't decided yet I need to know first so I can make the right decision I don't want to loose her even if whatever she did today gets me upset." Anna comments "you are incredibly great to her." They then hear maria's voice downstairs "hey, can you two give us a hand here!"

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