part 10

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As rose and her team sat around doing their thing one of the princes walked to them "uh, hey, I was wondering if you could, uh, let me meet with your friend anna." He said "I don't know if we should do that." Rose said unsure "we got into a lot of trouble last night so I don't think its a good idea." Travis said the prince looked disappointed and walked away sad. Rose watched this feeling a little bad for him "so many of them are interested in anna." Joy said "I know, a few of them actually ask me the same thing as him." Astoria said as they discussed the interest in their earth friends H.M. Cinderella approached them "indeed. I have had many requests to go to earth and see them." She said "hi granny. What are going to do about it?" Rose ask "everyone here seems to want to see them again. So I've been thinking of letting them visit every friday so all the students can get more time with them." Cinderella said "you mean like learn here?" Hawk questioned "just on the Fridays. Besides they seem very nice and may even be worthy of being princesses and prince. I will go and tell the other teachers this though I imagine snowwhite will be a bit against this." She said strolling off "pumpkin seeds! We're going to be classmates and go to the same school, even if its just for fridays!" Rose said excitedly "uh, rose." Astoria pointed to everyone else who had overheard her words. Rose smiled nervously as they smiled entertained by her "we should tell them when we go home." Travis said.

Later that day

Anna sat on the coach watching a romantic drama movie "why don't you just make a real version of that movie happen? I mean, you have a prince with wings after you." Maria said "you know why." Anna responded. As she continued to watch they heard a knock at the door maria opened it to see rose and travis "hey, what's up?" maria said with a flirting look at travis who blushes a bit "we talked to granny today and she said she'd be willing to let you all attend regal academy on fridays since everyone really liked you." rose said happily. anna overhearing this spits out her drink of water "seriously?" anna ask loudly "yeah." travis said bluntly "why would she let us go there?" Maria ask "I guess, everyone likes you all." rose said "I don't know. I don't think snow white will be happy." Anna said "come on, her grandma said it'll be okay." Maria said positively "by the way, where's connor and Allison?" Rose ask "they went to see Reggie." Anna said "who is Reggie?" Travis ask "he's some we know who sells us stuff like clothes, food and other things." Maria said "even shoes?" Rose ask interested "yeah, he can get a lot of things for us but sometimes it takes time to get it." Maria said "well, we're going now. and, by the way, we'll talk about everything about your enrollment to the school." travis said just before leaving. "this is exciting! we'll be going to a place with literal princes and princesses! and learn how to be like them." maria said gleefully but anna didn't seem to be as excited "what's wrong? is it about leaf?" maria ask "no. its just... how can we do this? I mean, we're not exactly 'magical' people." anna said "this is an opportunity we can't pass up. its a real magic school and we're allowed to go there. it'll be great and I bet we'll be on an adventure once we step foot there." maria said joyfully "alright, but we should be careful since we don't understand everything there." anna said maria gave a thumbs up and they continued to watch their movie.


connor was sleeping on the couch peacefully then a glass of cold water was spilled on him "WHAT WAS THAT?!" connor asked yelling at maria holding a glass in her hand "we need to hurry its our first day. we need to get ready now!" maria said "don't try to reason with her, even if its five O'clock, just go with it." anna said with a tired face. connor just decided to do what maria wanted and showered to wake up. when they finished up they went out to the alleyway to find rose and travis, who were waiting for them "there you are." travis said seeing them "you guys look tired." rose stated "maria woke us up earlier than we were thinking of." allison explained "lets go already!" maria said excitedly. rose took out a key and opened the portal when they all went through everyone was falling to regal academy "you forgot to say the--" "yeah, yeah, I know." rose said interrupting she whistled and two dragons, one pink and another orange, came and caught them mid-air. "alright, this is really amazing!" anna said looking down at the school "has this happen before?" connor ask sitting behind rose "yeah, we have. just hold on." rose said. they flew down to the school and landed at the courtyard "thanks for the save." anna said to the dragons "hey, you helped us the other day, its least we can do." travis's dragon said before they flew off. "this place is beautiful." maria said looking amazed "I kind of feel out of place." connor stated "come on,  I'm sure no one will even notice once we blend in with them." anna said. they went to find rose's team and as they searched for them everyone looked at them and they whispered and muttered to each other "I feel really uncomfortable." connor said "why? it sounds like you have a few fans." travis said "wait, do you still don't like having people look at you?" rose ask "yeah, that's right. he prefers if people don't notice him." anna elaborated "by the way, is there anything happening later like a contest or something?" maria ask "I don't know but we'll know if rose's grandma says anything." travis stated. they found joy, ling ling, hawk and astoria sitting near some flowers and reading books "hey!" maria called to them "wow, you're all really here." astoria said looking very stunned "you look like you weren't expecting us to show up." anna commented "we are just amazed that people from earth without magic are really attending." ling ling said "okay, so what's the first class? we didn't get a schedule or something of the classes here." connor said "heroism class is first." hawk said "really? do we have to fight with a monster or something?" anna ask "well, not usually but most of the time just listen to what the teacher says." joy explained to them "so, its basically like classes on earth." anna stated "it'll be fun. when I attended it, it was very interesting." allison stated to them but just then falla ran up to them "hey, falla what's up?" hawk greeted her "I came to warn you that granny is taking over heroism class for today." falla said "wait, why?" travis ask "I pretty sure she wants to make it difficult to get rid of them since she wasn't happy about them coming here." falla explained "she really doesn't like us, does she." connor said "don't worry, we'll help you out if granny tries to make things too difficult."  hawk said but the earthlings weren't very sure in his words.

later at the dragon ring

when everyone was at the dragon ring they all just stood their doing absolutely nothing "where's your grandma?" anna ask hawk "I don't know, she's normally the one on time." hawk said "unlike us." travis sarcastically said. suddenly  professor snow white arrived on her family dragon but she wasn't alone as a blue haired girl was with her. when they stepped down everyone, besides the earthlings, were shocked "what's wrong?" connor ask "that's ruby."  astoria said "she's the granddaughter of the wicked stepsisters and was part of vicky's team before she revealed herself." rose said quickly "does that mean she's your nemesis?" Allison ask "not really. we never fought or even talked until we found out about her grandma." rose said. as snowwhite and ruby got off hawk step forward to his grandmother "why is she here?" hawk ask frustratingly "I needed help with this lesson. so I got ruby here to help with it." the professor explained "she also promised me a night with you if I did this!" ruby said happily "you can't be serious!" hawk exclaimed "it's just one night and I'll send her back as soon as possible." as hawk looks at his grandmother in disbelief everyone was able to hear everything "I don't think she'll be going soon enough for hawk." anna jokingly said as hawk came back he looked upset "I know your upset so just take my advice... just do it and get it over with." maria said bluntly. "alright class, today your are going to learn how to have a battle on your dragons against a villain and ruby here has agreed to help." she said "I will choose the first one to duel her and it will be... connor." she said looking at connor "I don't even know how to ride one of them." connor said "well, I picked you so get going." the professor crossed her arms sternly. connor decided that he just had to face it so he went to mount a dragon and as they went into the air he looked down at his friends then realized something important "wait a minute, I don't have anything to fight with!" ruby came to the same level as connor and smugly looked at him "it's like I'm fighting hawk. too bad your not." she raised her hand and shot an attack with her wand but connor and his dragon were lucky enough to dodge it but he almost fell from the saddle. as he got back on his seat ruby looked at him unimpressed and disappointed "you look like hawk but you're nothing like him." connor looked back at her with a hand behind his back "yeah, I'm not. but I'm more crafty than you think." connor threw his shoe and everyone watched as it quickly fell down. ruby laughed very loudly and obnoxiously but it stopped as she realized it was a distraction when connor flew his dragon at her. she and her dragon braced themselves but connor flew over he jumped off and landed behind ruby and tackled her knocking them both off. connor grabbed ruby and his dragon flew back and connor was able to grab the saddle while holding on to ruby. as they flew close to the ground he let go and they rolled around the ground until making a stop. "whoa, he did it!" rose exclaimed "this isn't over yet!" ruby said while getting up "actually, I win because I got this." connor said while holding ruby's wand. everyone clapped for connor's victory and ruby was dumbfounded to losing to connor when he had no magic or power "this does mean he wins, right?" anna ask professor snowwhite. she looked at anna upset and frustrated then nodded begrudgingly. everyone gathered around connor and congratulated him, impressed he manage to win even though he never flew a dragon before. "good work." anna said raising her and to high five connor. he high fived her but he felt a sting of pain in his hand and held it with his other one "are you alright?" astoria ask "don't  worry, I must've sprung my hand when I grabbed the saddle." he held his aching hand "maybe you should go to professor le'frog." travis suggested "yeah, that's probably a good idea." connor then left to find professor le'frog to fix his hand. as he left vicky and cyrus approached ruby while she was frustratingly stomping her feet "I can't believe you lose." vicky cheekily said "I didn't expect him to do that." ruby angrily said "whatever. listen I'm still not happy about you stealing my plans and making us prepare your wedding but I need your help with my new plan so I'm willing to not be mad right now." vicky said "what exactly do you plan on doing?" ruby asked "like I'm going to let you steal my plans again. when you go back to earth I'll give you a box and you have to take it to earth and give it to the person. the address will be on the box." she explained as everyone else was talking ling ling noticed ruby and vicky talking "it seems vicky wanted to say hello to ruby." she said to her group "what do you think their planning." hawk said "I doubt vicky would want to team up with her after everything she put her through." travis retorted "it's probably best to keep an eye on her for now." anna suggested "well, whatever it is I'm sure we can handle it." rose said positively as they talked allison began to think about how she and connor got their injuries in situations where rose and her team would be fine since they were born with magic. she realized that they were in ten times more danger than the others. she then felt an overwhelming feeling of worry that made her feel little sick.

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