part 9

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After last night connor, maria, Allison and anna went home very tired and everyone wouldn't stop talking how amazing they were not using magic to defeat the villains. in the morning maria hears a knock on the door, she goes to open it and a guy with wings is there. he introduces himself "pardon my sudden arrival, I am prince leaf and i have come to speak with your friend anna." maria calls the others "guys there's a prince with wings on our door." the others wake up and see prince leaf. maria looks at anna and signals her that prince leaf was here for her. connor and allison notice this and go to the kitchen to make breakfast and maria goes to fix their rooms to give the two give anna and prince leaf some privacy. the two sit down on the couch and anna ask "what do you need from me." prince leaf tells her "i came because i wish to ask you to go to dinner with me later." Anna is surprised by this "why me? I'm not a princess." prince leaf says "that is exactly why, your not, it makes you different and you manage to live your life without magic and your so beautiful too." Anna is flattered "thanks for the compliments but i have to say no, sorry. you should just go." prince leaf is baffled "why not?" connor tells him "just go she'll just repeat her answer." prince leaf tries to stay but maria goes and opens the door and prince leaf leaves. Allison sits next to Anna "are you alright?" Anna just goes back to her room. maria comments "i probably shouldn't have told those people where to find us." maria, Connor and Allison lament about last night.

(flashback) last night snow white castle

travis and maria sit together but travis is in shock. maria ask "you alright?" travis looks at her "why did you do that?" maria looks back at travis "i wanted to." travis gets up and walks away and his grandpa pats him on the back "well down." shawn proudly says "congratulations on getting a girlfriend." travis frustratingly says "she is not my girlfriend, she just did that out of nowhere." then someone puts their arm around him. he looks and its maria smiling "its true, I'm still working on him." coach beast says to them "well, good luck with that and travis think about it." shawn comments "i really thought you liked ling ling." they leave travis and maria together and travis angrily ask "why did you say that?" maria responds "i told the truth." travis tells her "but-" then connor interrupts "hey, sorry, but why are those girls following me?" they look at the princess following him and connor ask "why are they following me i already have a girlfriend." travis thinks about it "actually i don't think she ever mentioned the two of you dating." maria and connor are shocked and Allison walks up asking "what's going on with those girls?" maria tells her "you didn't tell anyone about you and connor." Allison realizes what going on "oh, that's right, I didn't mention it." Maria ask "why?" Allison explains "when talked to them earlier I answered their questions, I guess it didn't come to mind." Connor tells her "Allison you were in a ball talking with princes and princesses. No one can blame you for not mentioning our relationship." Allison hugs connor and goes to tell everyone about their relationship. Connor awkwardly says "so, I notice you two are a couple." Travis immediately gets upset and says "it meant nothing and maria don't say stuff like that to anyone because I'm interested!" Maria retorts "not yet." Travis confusingly ask "what does that mean?" Maria tells him "let's make a bet if I can get you to like me then we become a couple but if you win I'll quit it and stop for good." Travis assertive in his thinking "alright, fine, if it gets you to stop." They shake hands and maria smirks at travis and waves as she plans her way to his heart. Connor walks with travis and ling ling confronts travis "so, when were you going to tell us about the two of you?" Travis gets nervous but Connor explains "their not, she's trying make travis like her but travis keeps telling her to stop it." Ling ling calms down "you should tell her to give up." Connor tells her "calm down if she fails to get travis to like her then she'll quit." Ling ling looks into connors unchanging and serious face and calms down. Astoria and joy join them "so, what are we going to do now. everyone has seen you all now." connor looks at her "don't worry, we already have a story to tell them when they ask where we're from, so don't freak out astoria." Connor's serious look and calm voice gets astoria to stop stressing out but someone who's a friend with vicky overhears their conversation and grins. meanwhile outside rose and anna talk about rose's time in this magical world and Anna says "you went through a lot here." rose tells her "well, I'm a hero here so its no surprise. so where did you get all that stuff?" Anna answers her "a lot of traveling around earth." rose then ask something Anna didn't want to talk about "do your parents travel a lot?" Anna froze in nervousness, she thinks it over and decides to tell her the truth of their lives "i don't know, because we haven't seen them in years." rose gets confused and Anna continues "after we lost touch with each other, a few weeks later they abandoned us somewhere and we were on our own and at first we were lost until we realized the only way to survive was to start stealing and we got involved with some criminals but we never hurt anyone and eventually the cops found us but we escaped the country and after that, for the next few years, we traveled the world and learned a lot of things on the way, as well as getting in trouble with the law and crime but no one ever knew who we were so it wasn't a problem to stay hidden. We found Allison in london and we took her in and we bumped into you when we arrived." Rose is shocked by her friends story and anna continues to talk "you can't tell anyone about this if the authorities knew they will separate us and throw us into foster homes we will never see each other again and they are the only real family I have and now your back in our lives, now our family is complete." Rose focuses on her last words "you think of me as family?" Anna states "of course, your one of us, your like a sister to us." Rose hugs anna and she hugs back "I promise I won't tell anyone." Then the door to the castle opens with snow white walking out holding Connor, maria and Allison "where are you from?" Rose and Anna are confused by the question when a voice behind them says "I overheard your friends talking so don't try to lie." They turn to see a purple cat and rose says "shire you snitch." Then snow white interrupts "shire heard your friends talking about lying about where they came from so don't even try with me." Anna sighs "fine, looks like there's no way out now. We're from earth." Snow white is enraged by this and looks at rose but Allison tells her "she didn't bring me here I found out and I forced her to take me here and I brought them here." Snow white scolds rose "you shouldn't have let her come, its a secret entrance for a reason. Now I have to fix this." She pulls her wand out and maria ask "what are you doing?" Rose tells them "she's going to make you all forget!" Snow white aims her wand at anna but H.M. Cinderella arrives on the scene "what's going on here?" Snow white turns to her "Allison and her friends are from earth, so i'm wiping their memories of here." H.M. Cinderella stops her "you can't must do that after tonight." Maria speaks up "yeah, we saved you and this is how your going to repay us?" H.M. Cinderella tells snow white "we all owe them right to keep their memories as long as they don't tell anyone about anything about tonight to anyone on earth." Connor tells her "of course, we won't say anything its rose's secret so we won't tell anyone." Snow white lets them go and reluctantly leaves them alone and shire is not happy with this and disappears. But some of the students hear what happened and tell everyone about it. Anna, connor, maria and Allison go inside to say goodbye to everyone and everyone is even more interested by them and they try to leave soon since their really tired now but not before taking a picture with everyone. Shawn tells maria "I didn't think people from earth could do what you three did tonight." Maria states "life is full of surprises." Alicia says to her "I wish you all could go to regal academy we could spend more time together." Maria gets an idea and writes on a piece of paper from her bag and gives it to Alicia "that's our address if any of you are on earth and we live on the third floor with a door that says C2." After that they go to the portal to earth and go home.

(End of flashback) back at present time

maria comments "yeah, that probably was a bad idea." Connor sits down "yeah, and now any of them can find us." Allison with concern ask "does anyone else find it strange how he got here?" Maria tells her "they obviously just gave him a key." Connor gets concern too "I don't think they would just give a key away." Allison says with them "then either they gave him a key or someone else brought him here." Meanwhile with prince leaf, he flies down to the alleyway where cyrus and vicky wait for him, he tells them what happened and vicky tells him "you can just try again another time and do something that will change her mind." Prince leaf regains his positive outlook "your right I will do something so grand she will change her mind." cyrus tells him "remember don't tell anyone about this, vicky will get in trouble if anyone found out." prince leaf nods and they all head back to fairytale land.

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