part 8

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The night goes on and everyone likes Allison, she enjoys her time and meets different fairytale characters. She decides to go outside to see the night sky but then she sees hawk sitting by himself she walks up to him "hawk what are you doing here?" Hawk turns around "oh, hey, nothing I just wanted to escape all those girls." Allison sits next to him "you know, Connor use to deal with girls too but they were few and reasonable when Connor said no." Hawk frustratingly says "I wish I could just tell them no." Allison tells him "if your so upset there is a way to stop it all." Hawk listens to her "just pretend that you have a girlfriend that way your grandma will stop this and those girls won't chase you." Hawk responds to this "I don't think I could lie about something like that and besides who could I ask to do it?" Allison says to him "rose could do it you two are close everyone will believe it." Hawk scoffs "no way she wouldn't agree to that I just have to get this over with. Just go have fun." he goes back inside and Allison sits and takes in the view. Meanwhile vicky leads a group of villains inside, she positions each one to a certain place while some are right above the ceiling. Allison explores the outside of the castle when she hears noise from the inside she runs in to see rose and her team tied up and the teachers knocked out with Apples in their mouths. Allison goes to rose to untie her "hold still i'll try to get you out." Ling ling whispers to her "get out of here its too dangerous for you." Astoria tells her "go to the town and tell the police about this." Joy warns her "go now! Someone's coming!" Allison leaves them and gets out she sees beanstalk jack holding down the dragons so she takes a carriage and drives it out. The villains see this and try to attack her but she gets out of view she gets near to regal academy when she gets thrown off. The evil queen stands over her "did you think you could escape?" Allison gets up and runs to the regal academy and the evil queen decides to have fun and lets her hide. Allison goes to the potions lab to find something fight back but she has to keep silent when the evil queen walks in "you know, your not going to beat me on your own but your welcome to try." Allison grabs some bottles and smashes them and the evil queen checks it out but doesn't find her "your quick, i'll give you that but you won't-" then a Allison pours a cauldron on her with the cauldron falling on her head knocking her out. She then heads out but she gets attacked by a troll. She runs back inside but troll keeps following her and she runs into the classroom where the troll almost gets her but she dodges. She gets up and sees a key, that looked like the one rose used to open the portal so she grabs it and runs for the portal. She reaches the portal and puts the key in and turns it. She pulls it out and goes through it and it closes behind her. She gets up and catches her breath when a familiar voice says "Allison are you alright." She turns to see maria, anna and connor and some stuff they had with them. Allison tells them "they need our help, the villains-" connor calms her down "catch your breath first then explain everything to us.

A few minutes later

Maria exclaims "so rose and her friends are real princes and princess." Allison says "I know its hard to believe." Connor tells her "you jump through a magic portal that connects to another world while wearing that dress right infront of us, I am very sure that there is no doubt there." Anna says to them "alright, rose needs help and we need to go and save her. Lets get what we need and save our friend." Connor and maria agree and they prepare and grabbed some equipment they need into some backpacks and they head to fairytale land. Allison recites the same words rose said to open the portal back properly and the troll notices this and waits for her to return then something comes through and he looks at it and it explodes, temporarily blinding him, the four run through and pass the troll and they make their way to snow white castle. When they get there they see beastalk jack holding the dragons down. maria sneaks behind him and pulls out a taser and uses it to knock jack out and she looks at the dragons with an amazed and excited look. connor tells her "we have to save rose and everyone else first, we need to cut them free we could use there help." One of them ask "hawk! How did you get out?" Connor tells them "I'm not hawk but we are here to help." He pulls out a bottle of weed killer and sprays it. The plants holding the dragons shrivel and they get up with Connor commenting "I didn't think that would work with the magic in them." The dragons thank them and maria tells them "we have a plan and your all part of it." The dragons listen to their plan and agree on it. Meanwhile inside the bad wolf sees candlewick sitting on a chair asleep he goes to wake him and a dart hits him and he falls asleep. Anna comes out and ties his mouth close so no one hears the snoring, connor and maria find her and she shows them a drawing she made of the inside "we are right here and this is where everyone is there is one person guarding them, she wears the mask, there are 5 villains around her one is floating up above where everyone is and assume the dragons are free." they nod and she continues "we take down these 4 then i lure the masked one out and take down the 5th then we take down the masked one, got it?"  they nod and get to work. the sea witch walks the hallway and hears someone she goes to see who it is and maria puts tape on her mouth and she pushes her through another door and she got snared on a rope which hangs her upside down then maria handcuffed her and tied it down so she wouldn't be able to move them. anna sneaks behind the pied piper and the shortbread witch while they were eating cookies on a floating basket she pours something on it which causes the piper to get sick. so he runs outside to vomit and anna uses this opportunity to put a rag on the witch's mouth and it knocks her out. she goes outside and grabs the piper then she pinches a part of his neck that made him go to sleep. connor hides as earl can tell that someone is hiding "come out and maybe i won't hurt you." connor looks outside of the closet he's in and watches earl search for him and connor pulls out a small bottle and when earl opens the closet connor sprays him and pulls his taser out and hits earl but he gets up and connor runs out of there and earl chases him. connor gets inside a bed room, and realizes that it must be hawk's, then he places a bunch of tiny balls on the ground in front of the door and places a large mirror next to it and has a rope tied to its top. When earl entered he tripped and connor pulled the rope and it dropped the mirror on earl knocking him out. Anna is where everyone is and she sees rose and sneaks to her "hey, Allison explained to us everything so we came to help." Rose turned to her "anna?! You shouldn't be here its dangerous!" Anna tells her "its alright, we already took down the other 4 now there's only 2." Travis looks at her "there's no way you guys beat them they have magic." Anna tells him "yeah, that's why we did it quietly now just wait." Ling ling warns her "be careful my grandma's sister is nearby." Anna pulls out a small firework and lights it up and it shoots to the sky which distracts the evil fairy and the dragons attack her and she falls to the floor. Everyone is amazed at this but then the masked one stands behind anna since she never left the room. Anna turned and the masked one grabbed her by her shirt and lifts her up "who are you." Anna looks at her "I'm the one not wearing the dumb mask thing." Maria who is on the second floor pulls a crossbow out of her bag and shoots it next to the them. The masked one looks at the arrow and anna pulls a small ball out of her pocket and readies to throw it but the masked one grabs her arm so anna drops it and it explodes into a cloud of smoke Anna backs away and as the masked one coughs a little maria jumped down with a bucket and sat on the masked one's shoulders and places the bucket on her head then pulls out a metal bar and hits the bucket with it repeatedly and yells nonsensical lyrics. The masked one eventually throws her off and removes the bucket and her mask but her vision is a bit out of focus and her ears are ringing. She goes to attack when connor runs up behind her and jumps on her and uses the taser on her and she falls unconscious. Everyone is stunned with this and they begin to free everyone and pull the apples out of the teachers mouths and as snow white woke up she sees connor "hawk did you stop them." Connor helps her up and she sees his dark hair "I just look like him, i'm Connor." She looks at him confused and amazed. Maria helps the students and one of them walks up to her "are you one of Allison's friends?" Maria answers them "yeah, so she talked about us, huh." And more begin to talk to her and ask her questions. Anna though helps rose and her group up and rose hugs her and in amazement "you beat them all by yourselves that's incredible!" Hawk ask "how did you do it." Anna tells them "we should round up all the villains first so when Allison and the cops arrive they don't have to." Everyone helps in gathering the villains and tying them up and they found vicky and cyrus in another room who say they were caught and locked inside but rose and her team know that its lie. And when the cops show they begin to investigate what happen and interview everyone though little red is not happy with her officers taking photos and just eating. After interviewing the three that saved the night little red tells them "I'm impressed one you should apply to be a cop it would honestly be helpful." And she looks at her fellow officers. Allison sits and rest after having a long night and connor sits next to her and Allison looks at her and apologies "I'm sorry I didn't say anything about any of this." Connor responds "Allison i'm not upset, you had to keep an entire world a secret and its obvious why and besides anyone would want to see this place its a world full of real fairytale characters, I understand and I'm okay with it." Allison smiles and they hug. anna and rose talk to each other rose finally ask "are you freaked out about any of this?" Anna tells her "rose you may be a princess, a dragon rider, a fairytale hero and a Cinderella but I thought back to when we met up and how it felt like nothing changed about you and none of what you have done really changed you and your still the same best friend I knew back then." She hugs rose and rose hugs her back. Maria goes over to travis and she sits next to him and ask "are you still mad?" Travis says to her "oh right, no, after tonight and what three of you did I'm not mad anymore." Maria says "good." She puts her hand on travis's cheek, leans to him and maria kisses travis and ling ling, shawn coach beast all see this and are shocked but ling ling is also more angry.

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