I'm an embarrassment

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Here is a true story of something that happened about 30 minutes ago. So you know any sane person listens to Taylor swift during chemistry right? I was remote today and was having fun cleaning and singing while the teacher is waiting for use to complete our work and I get a text. "Hey your mic was on." IM SORRY WHAT!! Then she asked me what I was singing and it was in fact "Should've Said No" by Tswift. Then I see in the chat that someone else had said that my mic was on. :/ To brush it off in the chat I put " HAHAHAHAHA hope you guys enjoyed the concert, that's embarrassing didn't know my mic was on." Well my teacher was then laughing and told me it was very lovely. So at least I brought laughter into peoples lives today. I want to go hang myself from the highest tree but it's okay because I embarrass myself a lot so I guess I'm used to it. 

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