Chapter 13 | Spy - Part 3

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"The source of information... No. The spy was you, wasn't it, Ray?"

Ray stood there stunned, Norman stared at him, the serious expression on his face not faltering. The room was silent with the sound of the ticking clock going on for what seemed like hours. Ray smirked.

"What are you saying, Norman?"

"...You should understand the situation already. I didn't stop at just two traps. "I'll tell Don that the ropes are hidden underneath my bed. For Gilda, I'll say they're above the ceiling of the 2nd floor bathroom." That's what I told you, (Y/N), Maiko, and Emma. But in reality, I told Don they were in the dining room, and told Gilda that they were in the library. Just now, I went around to recollect all of the extra ropes. The only ones that were gone were the ones under my bed. That means that Don...was merely framed. Ray... you...are the source." Norman said.

Ray walked over to the bed and flopped down onto it. He put his hand over his eyes and began laughing.

"Man... Just when I thought things were going as planned." He then sat up. "You're quite the softie, so I assumed that I could get away with deceiving you guys for a little longer. But it seems like you've found out a lot faster than I had anticipated. You're right. I'm Mama's spy. Since when did you suspect me?" Ray asked.

"Since the night Sister Krone came here." Norman replied.

"That night...right away, huh?"

Norman smiled grimly.

"Honestly, I was sickened at myself for suspecting you first and foremost, despite our tight friendship. Still, you being the informant would be a worse-case scenario for us. And from the enemy's stand point, you being the informant would be a best-case scenario. You would be able to influence the plans. It'd be perfect if their objective was to control the situation. There's nobody more suitable for this position, am I wrong?"

"That's why I suspected you", huh?" Ray smirked.

"I truly hoped I was wrong. It was the worst imaginable situation possible. And while we're at it,'ve been a source for Mama for a long time, haven't you?" Norman questioned.


Ray walked down the hall and handed Mama a book before walking off. The woman opened the book to a folded piece of paper. She unfolded it and it read: Norman, (Y/N), Maiko & Emma know.

"It's Norman, (Y/N), Maiko, and Emma."

-Flashback End-

"There's no way Mama would trust a sudden secret report or an impromptu spy."

"This at least proves that Ray was already a spy that day. On that very first day, Mama had already made Ray dive into identifying who we were."

"So, since when have you been Mama's spy?" Norman asked.

"Since a long time ago."

Norman was surprised. "You weren't only her spy...but also her underling?!

"Observation... Security... The growth rates of the merchandise... Mama was already controlling us livestock to begin with, but was also using Ray as a device to lead us in a direction she wanted from within." Norman thought.

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