Chapter 23 | Bait

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"I'm going to review everything. After lunch, when it's free time, I will keep Mama occupied. Norman and Emma will climb the wall and carry out the investigation. Don, Gilda, (Y/N), and Maiko will be stationed outside, in a place where they can see the south facing windows of the second floor. If by some chance I am unable to distract Mama, I will signal you. You will inform Norman and Emma to cease the investigation and return to the grounds immediately. It is likely that Mama is suspicious. It didn't seem like she had figured it out yet, but we can't be too optimistic either. There's always the possibility that she won't take the bait." Ray explains.

"And if that happens, we have to give up on the investigation?" Don asked.

"Correct. For the time being anyway. Everyone understands, right? If we appear too out of control, then it's all over. Mama's goal is an on-time shipment...particularly the five of us with full marks. She's spent this long nurturing us. Us escaping before the process is complete is not something she will accept. As long as it's something that's possible for her to control, then she'd like to keep it under her absolute rule. And she is confident in her capability of doing so. That's just who Isabella the Mama is. We can appear untrustworthy or suspicious, but it's best to appear easily controllable to her at the same time." Ray explained as he pumped water into buckets for them to fill the laundry barrels with.

"Fortunately there is no scheduled shipment date next month." He added.

They began to carry the buckets of water towards the barrels.

"There are six days until our planned escape, but ultimately we have two and a half more months until our actual deadline in January. If something happens, we abort the investigation for the time being. Even if it's just an act, we must pretend that we can be controlled."

They dumped the water into the barrels, the kids around all giggled and covered their faces as little bits of water splashed on them .

"Got it?" Ray asked.

Don and Gilda nodded their heads. Once the laundry was all finished, Norman, (Y/N), Maiko, and Emma walked up to Ray.

"Ray, can we talk?" Norman asked.



"Yeah, and now the entire house probably knows, thanks to you." Maiko muttered.

"We did get information out of her, but we slipped up. I would like to move up our escape date. When will you be able to destroy the transmitters?" Norman asked.

Ray stared at his four friends for a couple of seconds before going into his nightstand drawer and pulling out a box and placing it on the surface of the nightstand.

"Last night while you guys were in Sister Krone's room, I got this from Mama." He handed the box to Maiko and the girl opened it. "My compensation for selling you four out."

Maiko pulled out the item that was inside of the box.

"An instant camera?" She questioned.

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