Chapter 32 | Empty

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Emma stopped walking and turned her head to look behind her.


The two kids who were playing together in the hall stopped and looked at Emma confused. She turned her head away and looked down sadly.

Even though I know that he's gone... My eyes and ears can't help but look for him. Norman is gone. It's agonizing to think about.


The kids were outside playing. Emma was sitting against the large tree, some little kids crowding around her and asking her to play. Gilda and Don stood a bit away from her, watching her with sad expressions on their faces.

"Emma looks down today again." Phil commented.

"It's not just Emma. Ray and (Y/n) too." Lani said.

Yvette came walking up, a ball in her hands.

"Maiko is sad too. She refuses to come out of her bed to even eat..." The young girl said sadly.

"They must be feeling lonely." Phil said sadly.

"I mean I guess those five really were close friends." Thoma said, looking at the ground.

Don and Gilda shared a sad glance, worried about their friends.


"Screw it all. Let's all just die here." Ray said.

"Huh?" Emma questioned, surprised.

The six were in the dining room. Ray was sitting in a chair and facing them while the others were standing up.

"We can't do this. We're on a cliff too high to jump off of. The only bridge that leads to the other side is connected to the HQ. And most of all... I'm tired." Ray told them.

"Wha-" Don said, shocked.

"I'm just exhausted..."

Ray stared down at the ground, his bangs having over his face. Emma walks forwards, she holds her hand out, gadget resting in her palm.

"Then...what about this?" She asked.

"Don't care. You can have it. Run if you'd like. I'm no longer part of the plan." Ray looked up at Emma.

Emma stared at him, disbelief and shock on her face. She quickly turned to Maiko, the girl had her head down.

"Maiko...?" She asked, a tinge of hope in her voice.

"Ray is right... it's useless to just keep suffering like this. Let's just give up and die." She said.

Emma then whirled around quickly and turned to (Y/n). The (e/c) eyed girl was staring up at the ceiling, a dazed look in her eyes.

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