Chapter 21. 5 | Omake

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"IT'S A CRIME SCENE!" Emma shouted as Norman lay down on the ground.

"OH NO! NORMAN'S DEAD!" (Y/N) cried as she kneeled down in the snow next to the unconscious Norman.

"WAIT NO, HE HASN'T BEEN MURDERED! NORMAN FAINTED!" Maiko exclaimed as Mama walked up to them.

"Looks like a cold." Mama observed. "Listen, children. For a while from now on, stay away from the infirmary. You must stay away." She told them.

Emma's little face darkened and her eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets.


"We came to play!" Emma cheered.

She and (Y/N) popped up at the side of Norman's bed.

"Emma! (Y/N)!" Norman exclaimed, he then covered his mouth with his hand. "No, you can't! You guys'll catch my cold!"

"No we won't. We don't catch colds, so we'll be fine!" (Y/N) assures him, Emma nodding.

Mama then came up behind the two, scooping the small girls in her arms as Maiko's small hands gripped onto her dress.

"Who told you two that?" She demanded, looking at the two children in her arms, a stern expression on her face.

"I read a book once that idiots don't catch colds." Ray said.

The small raven haired boy sat down on the ground, a book in his lap.

"That's mean, Ray!" Maiko huffed.


"We're here again!" (Y/N) cheered.

Norman turned away from them.

"You can't! You guys'll get sick and Mama will get mad!" Norman said, his voice muffled from his hand.

"Then just get us sick already!" Emma said, as the two jumped on his bed.

(Y/N) nodded her head. "Yeah! 'Cuz if you do, we can all finally be together, right?" She smiles.

Mama comes back into the room and scoops Emma and (Y/N) back up into her arms.

"It said you could cure colds faster if you just pass it onto someone else." Ray said, pointing to his book.

"...You again?"


They've finally been restrained.

Emma and (Y/N) were now tied to two separate chair beside each other with a bow tied on them while Ray and Maiko were sitting on the ground, side by side, with tape over their mouths.

"Well no wonder." Olivia muttered as she looked at the scene in front of her.

"Why won't you just give up? Just listen to Mama's advice!" Michelle said.

"I'm sure Norman would rather prefer peace and quiet, too." Olivia told the four of them.

"But Norman is always alone because he gets sick all the time! That sucks!" Emma exclaimed, (Y/N) and Maiko nodding their heads vigorously.


"S-Sorry but I have no idea what you're trying to say, Ray."

"Screw it, let's just all go see him together!" Olivia said, all of the other children cheering.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."


"Just a little bit! Let us see Norman, please!" Olivia begged Mama.

"Please, Mama!" Michelle joined in.

"I admire the thought, but you must wait until he's better again!" Mama told them.

"Please let him go!"

"Please let us talk to him!"

"Please...let me hear just a little bit of his voice!"

Different kids cried.

"I didn't kidnap him." Mama said.

Don and Nat then ran in, holding some plants in their closed fists while Gilda trailed behind them.

"I got some hurbs* from the fowest!" Don cheered.


"That's just a normal weed, honey." Mama sweat dropped.

The nagging continued on into the night, but in the end, nobody was allowed inside.

"They're having so much fun..." Norman though as he heard all of the begging and pleas outside the door.


"She finally resorted to this." Norman thought as he looked at the door.

Mama had put "KEEP OUT" tape on the door to the infirmary. The small boy laid in silence as he stared up at the wall.


"We're back!" Emma and (Y/N) cheered in unison as they popped up at the side of Norman's bed again.

The tape on the door had been ripped.

"Emma, (Y/N), I told you no!" Norman tried shouting.

"Here!" Emma placed a small object on the bed.

"...A cup?" Norman wondered as he picked up the object.

"EMMA! (Y/N)!"

The girls turned around in surprise as Mama stood behind her. The woman then picked them up and began walking out of the room.

"Quit sneaking around everytime I look away!" Mama told her.

"Talk to you soon, Norman!" (Y/N) called before the door closed behind her, Emma, and Mama.



Norman held the cup in his hands and put it up to his ear.

"Hullo~?" The voice of Maiko spoke into the cup.

"Now we can talk without being close by!" The voice of Emma cheered.

"Yeah! Now you won't be lonely!" (Y/N) adds.

Norman smiled as he held the cup to his ear.

All of the children gathered around as Emma held the cup in her hand, Maiko and (Y/N) standing next to her, Ray sitting against the wall, a book in hand and a smile on his face. Mama was standing behind the children, a smile on her face.

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