Chapter 12: Meeting Japhet Again

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The next morning

She woke up to the sound of her phone. She hissed and reached for it. Then she felt the troubling noise going on in her head. She reluctantly stood up and went to bed study desk and took the pain killer. Her phone went off again she looked at the caller ID and sighed an unknown number. She picked it up waiting for the caller to talk first.

"Hey beautiful, did I wake you up," says a male voice from the phone.

"Hello, please who are you?" She asked not in the mood to stress her voice.

"It's me victor Blake the guy you met last night at the club". The caller explained. Michelle seems to be in deep thought.

"Oh yeah, how did you get my number?" She asked, drunk Michelle is not a good one to encounter.

"You gave it to me". He said calmly

"Oh I see" was all she could say, although she still can't recall meeting him or giving him her number.

"So I was thinking if we could hang out today".

She chuckled, she was not going to give in that easily anymore. "Nice thinking but am not seeing the possibility of that, but will let you know if I see a slight". She replied it's time to wise up she thought to herself.

"Oh very well then, will be expecting your call, have a nice day Michelle". Said the caller in almost a disappointed tone.

"You too," she said as she hugged up. She sighed.

She came downstairs to the kitchen and saw her mom making breakfast. "Hey Mom, you're back already?". She asked recalling her mom missing her graduation ceremony yesterday.

"Yeah, I came back early in the morning" replied Mrs Helina.

Michelle nodded in understanding "you making breakfast... For us?" She asked unsure of the answer. Mrs Helina hardly cooks for the family.

"You want some?" Mrs Helina asked as she puts the bread in the toaster.

"Sure, if you don't mind". She chuckled as she went to take a seat in the dining. The first time her mom is making breakfast for her apart from during her childhood.

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Later in the day Michelle and Anna are in the living room watching the movie 'Bad boys for life

"Girls, my friend will be coming to join us, hope you guys don't mind?" Asked Michael as he enters the living room, sitting down beside Anna

"Of course, we don't" replied Anna, Michelle just shrugged her shoulder.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. "I think he's here," Michael said as he went to open the door. "Hey man what's up?" asked Michael once he had opened the door.

"Am good, you?" Answered the visitor

"Cool, come right in, how's everything going? You've been damn busy since" said Michael as he walked the visitor to the living room taking his seat.

"Man, an telling you, these people are just stressing me, I even have another...." He stopped in his sentence when he noticed Michelle. Michelle is still glued to the television not taking notice of the presence of the visitor. Michael clears his throat.

"Uhm Michelle, Anna meet my friend, Japhet. He's my friend that I told you was a doctor" he said referring to Michelle. "Japhet meet Michelle my sister and Anna her friend". He introduced gulping saliva down his throat when he noticed the shocked expression on Michelle's face.

"Do you two know each other?" He asked in confusion.

"That's the doc/girl..." They both started to talk but stopped at the same time.

"Uhm hi Mich, it's been a long time"
Doctor Japhet finally found his voice. Michelle let out an awkward smile as she shook his hand "yeah a long time indeed".

"Hi Japhet," said Anna

"Hi Anna nice to meet you," he said as he shook her hand and say down beside Michael

"So are you two going to tell me how you knew each other?" Michael asked after everyone seemed settled and relaxed.

"Well he's the doctor that saved my life during that time that I committed suicide," Michelle said lowering her head as the memory of her fist heartbreak began flooding back.

"Uhm guy, she's the girl I told you about that time". Doctor Japhet said lowly to Michael as he removed his gaze from Michelle remembering what he told Michael about her not knowing he was his sister. Michael nodded towards Japhet while Michelle narrowed her eyes in anger.

"So you discuss the life problem I shared with you to others please! I should've known it, doctors can't be trusted with secrets!". She said fuming with anger.

"No, not at all, I would never do that, I only mentioned you to him because...." He couldn't finish the world. Michael smirked at his friend remembering what he told him about liking Michelle.

"Because of wha..." Michelle began to speak but was cut off by her phone ringing. She picked it up

"Yes," she said with no emotions but anger and betrayal

"So Mich baby is there any possibility of us hanging out today". Said the voice on the phone.

"Sure, where should I meet you?" She asked the same expression

"Benders joint," he said back

"Ok see you in 10" she hugged up.

Giving doctor Japhet one last glare, she left for her room. 'what was I even thinking, that I could trust him a total stranger, I let out all the shit on my life to him. I wonder how many other friends of his he told about it. I should've known this will happen, that he'll make fun of me. Fuck him". She cursed and growled as she changed her clothes, applied little make-up then styled her hair.

"Am out?" she said reaching toward the door

"To where?" Michael asked making her stop in her movement as she held the door open and said "somewhere". Before leaving swiftly not wanting more questions.

"Michelle don't...." She left before he could finish whatever he wanted to say.

"I'll be in the guest room" Anna who has been staying invisible since the tantrum between Michelle and Japhet said as she left the sitting room. They had allowed her to stay with them giving her the guest room since she had nowhere to go. 'They' I mean Michael and Mrs Helina.

"Man, I think I just fucked up," doctor Japhet said as he takes the remote controller to change the channel.

"Don't worry she'll come around". Michael said reassuring him as they changed the channel to watch a football match.

The twelfth chapter so far

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