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Molly’s POV:

                When I woke the next morning Andrew was gone, but a little note was on his side of the bed.

                Dear Molly

                I sorry I couldn’t stay I had some alpha business to attend to. Mika came with me so you are home alone. Don’t worry I have guards watching your block. I also called the school and told them you would be missing some days. Well most days I want to make sure you are kept safe. You can call me anytime you want ill answer right away or I’ll call you back as soon as I can.

Sincerely, Andrew

P.S. I saw your drawing and I think Black Widow is perfect for you.

                I laughed and smashed my head into my pillow. The there was a small knock on my door. I yell through my pillow for whoever they are to come in. “Molly get your lazy butt out of bed and come eat breakfast.” I instantly knew it was Rose because of her sass. I just pulled the blanket further over my head and a muffled no escaped my mouth.

                “If you don’t get out of bed I will rip the blanket off of your body.” As soon as she said that the nice warm comfort of my bed was ripped away and replaced with the harsh cold of my room. “Woman why would you be so cruel to a person who is just trying to soak up the heat?” I whispered.

She looked at me and then walked out of the room with my blanket forcing me to get up.  In the kitchen was pancakes and bacon. My mouth waters as I pile food onto a plate.

“Hungry much?” Rose laughs as she throws my blanket onto my head. I wrapped it around my body so I look like a nun, while I start to shovel food into my mouth.

 “Is that anyway for a nun to eat? Now wouldn’t they kick you out of the abbey?” Rose jokes as she shovels food into her mouth exactly like me. I stick my tongue out as I finish eating. I put my plate in the sink and walk to the back window. I hear Rose say something but I can’t listen, as the memories from last night come flooding back.

Why is this all resurfacing all the pain and memories. Just coming back with one simple rouge attack. I lick my lips and taste the salt from the tears I didn’t know were coming. I wipe them away and promise to be strong for the people I love and to never break as easily as I once had.

I turn around and asked Rose what we should do today her answer surprises me.  “I just want to lay around.”  Rose of all people wants to lay around? I thought I’d never see this day come. But I do think she is saying this because either Andrew told her to take things easy, or she doesn’t want to rush things because she knows about my past.

Most of the day is spent with us laughing and eating too much food that is humanly possible. The door opens and Mika walks in “What are you two up to?” He walks in with take out. Rose runs up to him and pecks his lips. “Hey Mika that Chinese can I have some?” I ask still sitting on the couch.

“Molly you never cease to amaze me on how you can tell so many things without even looking.” Mika say walking into the living room. I get off the couch and follow him to the kitchen. He sets up a couple plates and gives us each our food.

“Andrew wants us to go to a meeting after we eat.” Mika mumbles through a mouth stuffed with food. “Why a meeting at 5?” Rose asks. Mika shoves another fork full into his mouth “The North Wood pack has come to congratulate Andrew on finding his mate and also the um rouge problem we have. So Molly you have to be there.”

Well this makes me very nervous. The North Wood pack is almost as large as ours, but their Alpha is good friends with Alpha Blake.  I start to worry about breaking down while talking about the rouges. I think of Andrew and how I wish he was here right now. He would be able to calm me down and tell me not be such a worry wart.

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