The Nerd that Beat up the Alpha

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Molly's POV:

As soon as I walked into my first period all eyes were on me I kept my head down and walked to my seat in the front. I should have sat in the back but I can't see from back there. I got out all my stuff and got ready to take notes. But I felt all eyes on me. I started to sketch so it looked like I didn't notice. Mika everyone is staring at me. I told Mika through the pack link. Umm yeah they probably are you totally kicked his ass and he didn't do anything. Plus you broke Cali's nose! He answered. I BROKE CALI'S NOSE? Oh My God Mika Mika are you sure? Oh my Goddess. What am I supposed to do Mika everyone is staring at me it weird. I hate when people stare at me that's why I always stay in the background. When someone would bump into me I would always say sorry and get out of the way. I heard the teacher walk in today we were learning about something I already know so if I don't pay attention it won't bother me. I was sketching a wolf when the teacher interrupted me. "Excuses me Miss. Hanley can you please come up here and answer this question?" he asked knowing he caught me off guard. Idiot. "Sure Well sense you have written the problem wrong. You have to put the four on top not bottom to get the right answer. Then carry the ten and round." I finished and walked back to my seat. Holy sith what just happened. God it must be because of Drew god I didn't mean too. "Well Miss. Hanley you got that answer wrong. I'm sorry." Wait hold up no I didn't. "Um not to be rude sir but its right." What the heck is wrong with me? He got out his text book and flipped to the back where the teachers get all the answers. It looks like I was right he has that face that means he's proven wrong but doesn't want to say it. "Well um Miss. Hanley it looks like you are right I'm sorry for thinking you were wrong." I hadn't taught the lesson yet he whispered. Mika I just proved a teacher wrong! Oh my. God I'm in so much trouble! It's about time you did gosh it feels like you already have your doctors degree! Mika said seriously. The bell had rung and I packed my stuff and hurried out of there to my locker.

Rosey was there waiting for me we have second and third period together then lunch. I got there and put my stuff in and got out my art supplies. Rose slammed my locker. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MIND!" she whisper screamed. "YOU BROKE CALI'S NOSE!" "I just was so mad at him I should have known he would keep whoring around." I admitted. "You're the new gossip well the new gossip is that a "nerd" beat up the alpha!" she hissed as we walked into art. We were like the fourth people in the room on the board it say paint a picture. This is why I like art we just paint, draw, and sketch. "I feel weird everyone keep pointing and staring and today in math I proved the teacher wrong INFRONT of the CLASS! Rose I went up and corrected his math and he had to look it up because he thought he was right. I wasn't even paying attention he asked me to answer it and I just went up and corrected him!" I started to sketch. I do that when I'm nervous. "Molly calm down and you really did that?" I shook my head concentrating on my sketch before I paint. I was sketching my favorite place in the woods it's where the forest opens up to a small circle of daisies. "Gosh Molly what happened?" she said. "I don't know I just think she was still pissed about him." I get my paints out and start mixing colors. I paint blocking out everything. Painting helps me clear my mind. I didn't get to finish before the bell rang. "CRAP" I yelled as the bell rang I put my painting up on the wall to dry. Third period went by slowly. The stupid kids asking those questions that make you wanna rip their heads off. When the bell rang for lunch I put my stuff in my locker and got my lunch out while rose went and got Mika. Then we headed to the cafeteria. Where more people can whisper and stare at me.

As we sat down I could already see people looking at us and whispering. "Don't listen to them Molly." Mika tried to reassure me. But I couldn't take it I got up and walked out of the lunch room. I ran to the art room. I knocked on the door and Mr. Steen answered the door but everyone calls him by his first name. "Molly are you okay?" Mr. Steen was a part of our pack he was only 21 and hung out with me and Mika a lot. "Alex I can't take everyone looking at me. I hate it I get so self-conscience. Can i paint please?" I asked. "Yeah Molls go ahead your always welcome here. Why are they looking at you?" I walked over to my painting and got my paints out and went to work. Alex walked over to me and sat down by me. "It started off at the dance. I met someone." I told him "Wait did you meet your mate?" he asked excited for me. "Yes I did but I ran away but then we talked it out and I punched him a little too hard and it hurt him so I faked crying and he told me he'd get pay back and I-" "Slow down Jezz okay I think I got it but continue." He interrupted me. But I still continued. "Today I saw him with Cali the queen slut. I got so mad I went over to them and punched her in the face and I might have beaten up my mate." He thought it over while I started to add the finishing touches on my painting. "How did you beat him up?" "I might have thrown him over my shoulder helped him up just to punch him in the face." I said signing my painting. "Wait are you the nerd" he did the quotations in the air around the nerd part. "That beat up the Alpha?" he finished. I went and hung up my painting and walked back over to talk to him. "Yes, Yes I am." I put my face in my hands and shook my head. "Molly You are the Alpha's mate? Alpha Andrew's mate?" I shook my head yes. "Molly Just let him explain maybe he has a good reason for doing it." "What kissing a slut?" he shook his head and walked over to me and rubbed my back. "Yeah a good reason." I heard a knock on the class room door and I heard Mika and Rosey's voices. "Come in" Alex said. "MOLLY WHY THE HECK DID YOU LEAVE?" Rose yelled. "Rose it's not the time." Alex said. And that's when I smelt him he was coming closer. I got up and ran in the corner behind the canvases. Mika he's coming closer distract him please lead him somewhere else I can't deal with him right now. I mind linked him. "Guys Andrews coming closer Molly just told me I'm going to go distract him hide her sent open all the paints you can find." Mika told them as he left to go find Andrew. I could see them hurrying to open a bunch of paints. I saw Andrew look through the window but Mika pulled him away. Gosh I hope Alex is right he better have a good reason. I heard Mika's distraction. "Um she is in the music room all the way on the other side of school." "Why is she in the music room?" Andrew asked. "Because she likes to sing and play piano. Just hurry." With that I heard Drew walk away. I slowly crawled out my hiding spot. "Psst is he gone?" I asked just to make sure he really left. "I think he's gone. Now tell me why you left just out of no were." Rose said. "Well I didn't like people staring at me I couldn't handle it I hate it." I paced back and forth. "What am I going to do?" With that the bell rang and off to fourth period.

The rest of the day Andrew wasn't in any of my classes. After eight period I walked to the locker rooms to get changed for soccer. At practice I took all my anger out on the boys during our scrimmage game. No one got past me and with my contacts in and my hair up the boys didn't recognize me. But the whole practice I felt someone had been watching me. After I changed and took a shower I walked to Mika's car to wait until football practice was over. I still felt someone watching me. I looked around but couldn't find them. Looking for me? I heard his voice in my mind but how could he do that. Um it's because were mates. How did he know what I was thinking? Maybe he can read my mind. Maybe only mates can read each other's minds. I could hear him chuckle threw our link. You figured that out fast. No wonder you're the smartest person in school. Yeah I know I'm the smartest person. No wonder you're a man whore. I should have known. I heard a growl coming from the woods on the left. I started to walk towards the sound. Drew are you okay? I mind linked him. I heard him from the woods "I didn't do it." He was shaking with anger. His eyes changing from blue to black then back to blue. What was he talking about? "What are you talking about?" "She came onto me." He said. Oh he was probably talking about Cali. 'Go to him calm him down!' My wolf told me. I walked over to him and set my hand on his shoulder. Immediately he started to calm down. "Then what happened?" I asked he grabbed my hand and sat on the ground pulling me down with him. "Well it started that morning I got to school and was waiting for you. That's when I saw Cali I walked over to break up with her." At that statement I growled a low growl. I hated Cali she bullied me since fifth grade when every girl became skanks. She only did it because I didn't join her group. I gave him the you can continue face. "I told her I found my mate she got all excited because she thought I was her mate so she jumped on me and kissed me before I could push her away you came and broke her nose. Also you did judo-flip me and then punched me in the face." Oh no I didn't know he was trying to break up with her. I'm such a bad mate. I should have let him explain first. "Molly I'm sorry I should have told you." Drew said. "No Drew I'm the one that should be sorry I should have let you explain first." I hung my head and stared at my hands. A lonely tear trickled town my face. I felt Andrew put his hand under my chin and lift my face. I looked away not sure if I could keep the tears held back. "Molly look at me." He spoke quietly. I slowly turned to look at him but the tears broke free and a couple fell. Andrew wiped them away with his thumb. "Please don't cry." He pulled me farther into his lap. I placed my face into the crook of his neck and started balling my eyes out. With each sob I in took his sent. He rubbed circles on my back. I slowly started to calm down but tears still rolled down my cheeks. "Molly I do have a question for you." Drew spoke quietly. I nodded for him to continue. "Where the hell did you learn to Judo-Flip people?" he chuckled. I giggled and snuggled closer to his chest. "Mika and durning training sessions I always stood in the back and watched. I would practice on Mika when we got home." His body rackes with a fit of laughter "You have one heck of an arm to geez. Oh I have another question. Do you really play piano and sing?" Mika had to use that excuse. I slowly nodded my head. "Hey do you think you could sing for me? If you don't want to you don't have to." I shook my head and picked my face out of his neck. I took a deep breath deciding what I should sing only one stood out for me "And I'd give up forever to touch you, Cause I know that you feel me somehow, You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right now." Andrew started to sing with me "And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life. Cause sooner or later it's over I just don't wanna miss you tonight. And I dont want the world to see me Cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's meant to be broken. I just want you to know who I am." I stopped singing and so did Andrew. I had no idea he could sing and in tune plus harmonize. I still have alot to learn. "Molly your voice is like wow I just have no words to explain. Just Wow that was beautiful." he whispered into the top of my head as he placed a small kiss into my hair. "Thanks" I whispered "Who knew you could sing. Your voice is amazing. " I spoke to him in a quiet tone as if everything around us was asleep and i didnt want to wake up the peacefull surroundings. I could not get over the fact that his voice was so good. Drew started to sing Somebody to die for. while he leaned against the tree I slid into the crook of his neck our body's fit together like two halfs of a whole. He slowly rubbed circles on my lower back under my shirt. I started to drift asleep from his singing and the soothing of his touch on my skin. I heard him whisper "I love you my Little Nerd" before I fell asleep.

*A/N Hey sorry for the long update school started. And alots been on my mind. I love you all for getting my book 1.4k reads Keep reading and share with friends  



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