Cinderella's Sketch Pad

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I now just realised I have to go to school today school starts at eight and its 6:00 I've been laying here awhile. Thinking what if I stayed last night would I have been shot down or accepted. Today I will find out that answer because I have first period science with him. Hey at least rose will be right next to me. I finished all my homework when Mika brought it home. I got up and decided to check over my bag to see if I have every thing I need. I always had my bag strap at the biggest it could go so if u shifted it would say on. Pencils check, notebooks, I had every thing I needed except for one thing. My iphone. No No No I had to sell my art for the money to buy it. It must have fell out when I ran. Okay during my free period ill go to the football field to check for my phone. God why is everything so weird. I took a shower and looked for what I should wear today. I picked out Peter Jenson collar shirt and my topshop black joni jeans. I put my hair in a ponytail and did some light makeup "MOLLY you ready to leave yet?" Mika yelled. I ran down the stairs and hopped into my shoes. "Ready as ill every be." "hey did you finish your homework." Does Mika even have to ask. "umm nevermind you probably did. So let go ginger ninja." We got in his car and the song Make you feel my love the Adel version came on. And at that moment i realized today will not be easy.  


I snuck away from Rose during free period to go to the fields. I felt weird all day like someone was watching me but I couldn't find out who the culprit was. On my to the fields my wolf whispers something. I couldn't understand so I brushed it off. I went and looked in the stands for my cellphone. There I saw my pen and paper from yesturday just crumpled up. With that brought back what happened yesturday when I got hit with the ball. How Andrew looked at me with so much mystery and want if only he knew who I was. That reminds me he wasn't in first or any of my classes yet. My wolfs senses kicked in and I reached up and grabbed the object flying towards my head. I caught it wow I was suprised. I was gonna throw it back when I saw who threw it. Andrew Carter. Holy Sith. No not now ughh. There he was standing their all god like with his perfect messed up hair and that killer smirk that makes girls line up with there legs open. Ugh what a man whore. ' DO NOT SPEACK OF HIM LIKE THAT' my wolf threatened. "HEY can you throw it back?" he yelled. I was about this throw it to him when someone tapped my shoulder making me jump back and make a little scream. "GOD DON'T EVER DO THAT NEXT TIME I'LL" "You'll what?" I froze I noticed it was him. "Oh my gosh im so sorry I didnt mean to yell at you I'm so sorry. God I'm sorry please don't hurt me" I flinched away. Only to see his shocked face. I grabbed my bag and quickly turned to walk away. I got half way down when I heard him tell me to stop. I stood there not moving all you could hear where the flipping of page's. Wait what page's I patted my bag and noticed my sketch pad wasn't there I turned around about to snatch it away when I slammed in to a brick wall of a chest. "Did little miss Cinderella drop her sketch pad." he paused for a minute. "did you draw these?" he asked holding up my sketches of my soccer stuff. I nodded not looking at him. "What was that I can't hear you?" "yes" I whispered. My Wolf wanted me to jump his bones right now she kept putting images in my mind. His eyes flickered from blue to black. Which told me he could smell my arousal. "Um I ah can I have my sketch pad back?" my voice cracked bringing him out of his trance. "Yes only if you tell me why." His eyes filled with sadness. He looked so crushed. I didn't know i caused him so much pain. That was the last straw I burst out into tears. "I'm s-ssorry I I didn't m-mean to hurt you." I crashed to the bleachers crying. It's like i could feel his pain. I felt sparks tingle threw My back. I felt him kneel next to me rubbing circles on my back. That calmed me down so I stopped crying. "I'm so sorry you probably think I'm so weak and hopeless. I normally dont cry but ever sense I bumped into you I'm like a waterfall. ill just be going ill get out if your life now." I confessed. He looked at me. Just staring. It felt weird so I turned around once again only to be turned back around. "You are not going anywhere. Molly, I dont think your weak your brother told me you can take me down. God a girl who can take down an alpha is not weak or hopeless. That girl is amazing, beautiful, and that girl is you. " I just stared was the popular Alphas son telling me that I was beautiful. His laugh brought me out of my thoughts "Yes the Popular Alpha son is just stating a fact." "Wait did I say that out loud oh god. HOLY SITH" I quickly covered my mouth as he laughed again. God his laugh will kill me. "Oh and another question holy sith? whats with that?" I gave him the you have got to be kidding me look. "What?" he looked so cute when he's confused. "Okay have you ever seen star wars?" he shook his head no. I pretended to faint making sure I fell into his arms. "MOLLY ARE YOU OKAY?" I began to laugh so hard I was still in his arms shaking from laughing. When I laugh so hard sometimes I just shake and no sound comes out. Just imagine a fish out of water. That's what I look like now. "I pretended to faint because you have never seen star wars. Wait have you ever seen star trek?" I ask "No I haven't."he stated. We stayed where we were while I explained the star trek and star wars movies to him in detail. He would ask if luke Skywalker was in star trek which made me flustered. So I told him again who's who. I glanced at my phone and gasped soccer tryouts start like now. "Andrew I got to go soccer starts now." his eyes grew wide "You play soccer?" " um yea I do." I said "I love soccer!" he said to me while he grabbed my bag and pushed me towards the locker rooms. I was about to go when I turned and hugged him. "thanks drew for not rejecting me." I mumble into his shirt. He hugs me back and says "I'd never. Now go kick some butt." I walked away. "See you later my little Nerd." he blew me a kiss. Which I caught and shoved in my pocket. I winked at him and walked into the locker room. My phone vibrated. 'Sorry i snuck your phone back into your pocket you dropped it last night. P.S i'm gonna be in the stands cheering you on. P.P.S text me my little Nerd' the text message from andrew warmed my heart. I guess the big bad wolf does have a soft side.

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