Our Section

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Molly’s POV:

Dinner was great except for Mika’s threatening stares.  After dinner Mika scolded me and told me I should tell someone where I was. I just think he’s a big baby. I went to bed but couldn’t sleep tomorrow was Monday and I had to go back to school and face every one. I got out my sketch pad and started to doodle. My doodle started to turn into Andrews face then his body. I drew him in a soccer uniform doing a bicycle kick. Then I drew myself in the same uniform juggling a ball. I started to add color when I got a phone call.

“Hello?” “Hey Molly what are you doing?” the person on the other line asked. “Uh who is this? And why are you calling at 1 in the morning?” I heard the other person chuckle. “Molly its Andrew and what are you doing up so late?” I looked at the drawing and started to laugh. “What’s so funny?” “I was just putting the finishing touches on my drawing.” I told him as I finished coloring him in. I got off my bed and went to hang it up on my art wall. My art wall is a white wall where I can draw, paint, and do anything I want to it.

“What are you drawing?” I thought about it and responded “I’m not going to tell you.” I put it with my soccer drawings, and stood back admiring it. “Molly. Hey Molly. Earth to Molly.” I broke out of my trance and quickly said what. He kept asking me what my drawing was but I never told him. “I’m coming over there and I am going to see for myself.” He said childishly. I heard some shuffling and then he hung up.

I got ready for bed, but my hair wasn’t cooperating. As I was trying to tame the mess I heard a knock on my window. I gave up on the tangled curls and looked over just as another pebble hit my window. I went and opened it just as a stone flew at me and hit my forehead. It fell to the floor. I looked down at the rock culprit and frowned when I saw it was Andrew.

I yell/whispered at him “What in the world are you doing here?” he stared at me like I was dumb. “I came to see the picture for myself!” he yelled. “Shh” I yelled. “Oh Molly let down your ginger hair!” He threw his arms up to exaggerate. “Or come let me in I really don’t want to climb your hair!” he said touching his own hair.

I motioned for him to go to the door. I closed my window and quietly went to the front door, and opened it. “You can come in but be quiet!” I whispered. I lead him to my room for such a big wolf he’s very agile. He stops in the door way and just looks around until he sees my art wall. His eyes got huge and he slowly approached it. I went and sat on my bed and watched him walk over to it. He starts at one side and looks at the drawings. All the soccer section is at the other end. My eye catches the portrait I did of him on my desk. I quickly walk over there and try to hide it from him.

 “You did all of this.” He motions to the wall. I nod my head and mumble yes. No one other than Mika and Rose has seen the wall. I’m very self-conscious of my wall. “These are. They are amazing!” he got to my soccer section and looked at all of them. When he got to the one I did tonight I stiffened. He looked at it closely and gently pulled it from the wall to look at it.

I focused on his face still frozen trying to read his expression. His eyes got wide as he realized it was him. Then he smiled when he got to the drawing of me. He looked up at me and then curiosity filled his face. I must not look to casual hiding the drawing, but he brushed it off and looked back at the drawing. “The detail on this is amazing!” he stated.

Still looking at the drawing, He walked to stand in front of me. “But you do know I only watch soccer I don’t play. I play football.” I looked at him and said “No I didn’t but Football in some places is their name for soccer.” I tried shuffling some papers over the portrait but it didn’t work. “No there is nothing there.” I told him. He just gently pushed me aside and set down the soccer picture. I quickly picked it up and put it back on the wall. “Well what do we have here.” I ignored him still fixing the picture.

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