Authors Note and Information

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After a long time of consideration I will be putting this story on hold or ending it soon. I hope to continue to write different items and maybe start revising this story. If I do revise The Nerd and The Alpha Jock some of the details will probably be changed not drastically. As I look back over this tale I have realized it needs to be worked on and I haven't had the time to start. I'm trying to set up a writing schedule but I have a bunch of other things I have to put before writing. As a high school senior I need to plan for college and my future which is quite stressful, but I'm trying to make this work. I need to make time to study for tests like the ACT and SAT which will ultimately decide which colleges will accept me. I don't think I could have written 19 chapters without all of your support, and I beg you to keep reading and supporting other authors and maybe myself. You all have given me help in slumps, comments that push me to write, and an amount of votes that I could never have dreamed of. I would like to say this story could not have gotten to where it is today without all of your support. I love you dearly and this whole story has helped me improve as a writer and hopefully helped me on my way to becoming an author some day.

All my Love - DANCEX

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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