A letter for help

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Naruto or My Hero Academia isn't mine all rights belongs to the creator

This takes place after the the third great ninja war, and Obito and Rin's death. Minato was on his path to becoming hokage, Kakashi is in anbu and it was a few months after Rin's death.

It was a beautiful, warm afternoon in Konohagakure. The war had recently just ended and Hiruzen was preparing to retire as Hokage. Hiruzen was just looking through his paper work, when he found a letter from his old friend. Nezu, the principal of UA.

Dear Sarutobi Hiruzen,

Hello my old friend, I am in need of your assistance. A couple days ago there was an incident at U.S.J, where the League of Villains attacked. I'm sure you heard of it. Everyone here is afraid that the LOV might attack again. They may take their opportunity during the Sports Festival. If you are able to, I need you to send atleast two of your shinobi to guard and protect the school for the rest of the year. We'll need them as soon possible. Thank you.

Sincerely, Nezu.

Earlier that week Hiruzen was informed that a accident happened at UA and a group of villains attacked class 1-A while they were at U.S.J. Hiruzen read the letter multiple times and decided on who he will send.

Hiruzen decided to send out Namikaze Minato. Minato was a great shinobi and he was going to be his successor. Minato had his own group of students too, though only one of his students still alive... Minato could play the perfect role as a teacher and protect the school from the League of Villians. Hiruzen also decided to send out Hatake Kakashi. The 13 year old boy was a Jounin and an Anbu. He is younger than the other students but he is a prodigy and could act as a student. This mission could also probably help the poor kid, he could make friends with them.

Hiruzen picked up his brush and started writing his response to the letter Nezu gave him. When he finished he wrapped the scroll up and tied it up to the bottom of his bird and sent it out.

"Bear," Hiruzen called.

In the blink of an eye a Anbu with a bear-like mask appeared kneeling in front of Hiruzen.

"Summon Namikaze Minato and Hatake Kakashi", he said.



"Kakashi!! Wanna come over for dinner later?" A certain blonde man said.

"Minato-sensei... I'm a bit busy, sorry." Kakashi said. Minato understood but his wife would kill him if he didn't bring Kakashi. Kushina and Minato kept a close eye on Kakashi to make sure the boy was taking care of himself.

"Kakashi, Kushina would kill me if I didn't bring you. She might end up dragging you to our house too.." Minato said.

"Fine, I'll go sensei." Kakashi replied, scared of Kushina. "Okay then, come over around 4:30 for dinner." Minato said

"Hai sensei"

Just as they were about to go their separate ways a Anbu appeared to them.

"Namikaze Minato, Hatake Kakashi, Hokage-sama requests for your presence." the Anbu said.


*In the Hokage's office*

"Minato, Kakashi, I have a mission for you. This mission is very important and will last all year. It could affect a lot of lives if you guys fail. Your mission is to guard the school of UA in Musutafu, Japan" (A/N please correct if I'm wrong) "Recently a group of villians attack UA's hero course, class 1-A and the school is afraid that they might attack again. Kakashi I want you to act as a student in class 1-A, and Minato I need you to act as a teacher. You guys will have to rent a apartment near the school so you can guard it." Hiruzen said, Kakashi and Minato both nodded.

"You guys will need these, the scroll contains information about this mission. Like a mentioned this mission will be a year long so you guys will need to pack up things to bring." He said.

"Hai, but how do we get there?" Minato asked

"Remember earlier when I asked you to attach your Hiraishin seal on one of my scrolls? I sent that scroll to UA. You can use your Hiraishin technique to teleport there. You guys will be leaving at 9:00 P.M sharp. Kakashi don't be late." Hiruzen said glaring at Kakashi.

"Hai" Minato and Kakashi said in unison. Minato picked up the device and scroll and the two of them shunshined out of the Hokage office.


Word Count: 801 words

[A/N] That concludes chapter 1!! I'm terrible at writing and it's my first time so I apologize if there are mistakes. A shunshin is a body flicker. This was extremely inspired by @JayH00D !

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