Chapter 1

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Hey guys before I begin this story was requested by blackchat27 they liked my other Yandere boys X reader and wanted me to make another one. Just a few things;

> Swearing will be in this book. And if anyone wants to swear in the comments go ahead. I can't say much since like I said there will be swearing in the book.

> Some things might go a bit fast because I don't know how many ideas I can come up with.

> My spelling and grammar isn't that bad now but it's still bad.

And lastly I hope you enjoy the story!


Long ago like a 100 years ago there was scientists that wanted to create beast and human species to help fight in the war. However it back fired on them since the experimental subjects became too strong for their creators to control. There was four different types of mixed species. And those four was known as:

Neko- a half cat, half human creature with the ability to move fast, hear from a long way away and their eyesight is beyond a humans.

Echidna- a half snake, half human creature with the ability to move between anything they choose they are able to make poisons.

Dracotaur- a half Dragon, Half human creature with the ability to fly and breathe fire. They are able to control fire.

Dakuwaqa- a half Shark, half human creature with the ability to move in water as they see fit. They can also control water.

And all four sub species have something in common. They are all strong.

"Oh come on Y/N your not Seriously reading that book again."

You turned your head and saw one of your good friends Jake. He had a small smile on his face as he looked at you.

Jake was one of the four boys to make you feel welcome when you first got to the school. You went to school for about 4 months now and you got to know each and everyone of the boys.

Jake had black hair with some parts a dark blue with piecing blue eyes.


"Shut up Jake

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"Shut up Jake. I like it ok. Imagine having people that's got half the DNA of creatures! That's amazing!" You told him.

Jake was silent for a minute the bursted out laughing. You looked at him quite annoyed. But you find it fascinating that there are people with those DNA out there.

"Hey Jake do you think they are still alive?" You asked looking at the book.

"What the author?"

A tick mark appeared on your forward and you looked at him. "No you idiot! The creatures!" You said to him.

That made him laugh more, you rolled your eyes and sighed to him and turned your head to the book. "To be honest Y/N I'm pretty sure if they were real they would mated with someone to pass on the gene of the creatures. So who knows." Jake laughed.

"Hmmm you have a good point Jake." You spoke back.

The bell rang and you both got up. It was now time for your next lesson. You was happy enough since you got that lesson with the loud mouth of the group Zack. However he was pretty funny so you didn't mind.

"See ya Jake. Have fun!" You told him.

"It's PE I have next. I like PE. So I will." He answered you and walked in the opposite direction to what you was going to.

You walk walking to history and saw Zack walking just in front of you. Zack had white hair and red eyes.


You walked faster to catch up to him and tapped his shoulder

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You walked faster to catch up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Zack ready for History?" You asked.

"Nope, I'll never be ready for that snooze fest. But let's get it over with." He spoke.

You gave a small laugh at his words and nodded your head.

You couldn't argue with him, history was boring, not just the subject but your teacher as well. She'd spend half the lesson telling the class about her marriage instead of teaching. And sometimes if the event pissed her off she'd rant all lesson.

You walked into the class and took your seat, Zack sat right next to you not even bothering to take out his books, or pencil case.

The teacher Mrs James walked in and stood at the front. "Ok class. Let me do the register first." She spoke and started to call everyone's names. Once she got yours you said "here." And Zack done the same thing.

"Now then! Boys!" Mrs James started

You and Zack. . . Well the whole class had the same thought.

Here we go again.

"When a lady makes you food you should be grateful for what she made and not complain! No matter what!" She shouted at the class.

"Maybe her husband complained Because she's annoying and he needed excuse to leave." Zack whispered to you.

You was trying not to laugh at what he said so you wouldn't get in trouble. "When your future wives comes home and she makes you food for when you come home you are suppose to say 'Thank you'!" The teacher spoke again.

"The lesson for today don't marry anyone that's like teach." Zack whispered again.

And that's the end of this chapter!

You have met 2 of the 4 boys!


I have many books to update and some that I haven't even published yet so my apologies in advance if my updates are slow!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Thank you so much for reading guys.

Bye for now

To be continued!

Protective Love (Yandere! Creature! Boys X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now