Chapter 9

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"what did you just say-" Y/N's father said while backing away with his wife.

I looked at them and sighed, they seemed scared, and yet even if they was they wasn't giving up. I've never seen anyone like that. "I only wanted your permission as one of your future son-in-law's. But you had to make me angry." Jake said.

"Your the one who made us angry! How dare you think we'll give you her just because of who you are!" Her father said. "Your nothing but creatures that was a failed experiment! You shouldn't have been made anyway!" He shouted at me.

Shouldn't have been made huh. . .

"Even so. Y/N is kind and loving. She have never once made us feel bad about anything that went on in our lives. And. . . She will be ours even if we have to force her." I told them.

"Tch you'd hurt her just make sure she will stay with you?! How's that love?" Her father asked me.

I glared at him. He was starting to piss me off. He carried on mouthing me and that's when I silenced him by force, of course I done the same to the wife too. Now she will only have us. I made sure to kill them in a way not to leave any DNA. After all I only wanted to show them because they would be family. But they kept on and on.

I looked at the time and saw I still have plenty of time to get back and have lunch. I smirked and used my speed to get back too. I managed to get to the class and get my bad. I wasn't lying I really did leave it. And then I went to the cafeteria.

Nobody's POV

When Jake came and sat down with you, you looked at him with confusion. "Jake you took a while could you not find it?" You asked him.

"No I couldn't I guess someone hid it, I had to ask a teacher to help me." He explained.

"Oh. . . You did find it though?" You asked worriedly.

He smiled and held up his bag too you to show he actually have it. You smiled at the fact he managed to find it and all of you went back to eating, unknowingly to you all of them shared a shared to Jake. He just simply smiled while eating food. They looked at you and smiled too.

Once the bell rang signalling the next class you walked on ahead while the boys was behind you. Jake explained to them what happened and made sure you couldn't hear them. All of them nodded their heads at what he said. It was annoyed with your parents just as much as Jake was too.

You looked back at them smiling as you did. "Come on guys your slow!" You said to them.

They all smiled at you and cought up to you.

~after school~

You looked around as you was walking, the sun was shining all day and you saw loads of birds flying around the place. You smiled as you got to the front door and opened it. "I'm home! Mom, dad!" You called out.

You didn't have an answer and when you walked into the living room your eyes widened. The was your parents dead bodies. Their bodies was cut to ribbons, their heard was ripped out of their chests too. You looked around. This has to be a nightmare right. . . .

When you realized this wasn't a dream you called the police straight away. The way the bodies are. . My parents was victims of that serial killer. . But did they force their way in or did they get invited in. . . ?

When the police arrived you you explained everything when you got there you was crying too as your parents are gone and now you have no one.

No that's not true. . . I do have people.

Once the police was done you got out your phone waiting outside the police station as they took you for your statement.

Guys I need your help with
something if you don't mind.

hmm? What's up?

Everything okay?

Want me to beat someone up?

I will if you do.

damnit let her speak idiots!

It's nothing like that. . . Actually
my parents are dead, they were killed.
Can I stay with you guys?

What?! Their dead?!

How did that happen -

It looks like the serial killer.

Crap! Yeah it's fine if you stay!
I'll come and pick you up right away
Where are you?

Outside the police station.

I'm on my way!

You looked up from your phone smiling some, glad that you actually have people in your life that you can rely on.

Two chapters in one day! Yay!

Thanks for your support everyone. I hope you all enjoyed the story so far!

Bye for now

To be continued!

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