Chapter 16

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It's been a day since you disappeared. The boys was out searching until late in the night, but unfortunately they could not find you anywhere. All of them was panicking and even calling out your name in places that had no houses. Which means yes, they even went to the abandoned building that you was hiding.

They couldn't find you however, all thanks to you just hiding behind some boxes that gave off a strong smell of flowers. The four boys searched and searched but eventually went home in hopes you would be there.

You went out of hiding and got some money while rushing to the shops. You went into a shop that sold wigs and eye contacts, you even went and got a different (perfume brand/spray brand, whatever you normally use, both then pick both)

Different clothes and of course some food and drinks as well. You took them all back and looked at everything that was Infront of you with a smile on your face. With this I should be okay, after all if I use a disguise then they won't recognise me. . . But it will be a problem with Jake's senses. . . So that's why I got a different (fill in the blank) so they can't figure out it is me.

You looked at your little friend that had made with the cat and gave them some food too. As soon as the cat started to eat you smiled at it. "what should I name you. . .? Oh I know! How about (Cat's name)!" You said happily but quietly.

the cat meowed at you and then went back to eating it's food. You prepared something for the cat too drink as well and sat down your self ready to eat your sandwich that you bought. Glancing at the cat with a small smile. "Life is hard for the both of us it seems. . . I lost everything now and there is no way I can forgive them for what they have done. ." You said quietly.

Looking at the clearly stray cat that just looked happy to be fed. The cat meowed and turned to you while jumping on your lap resting.

Meanwhile with the boys all four of them was sat at the table in the living looking down, none of them was saying a word to anyone else in the room. The room was filled with silence, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. ". . . What are we going to do now? We looked everywhere." Karma started to speak.

Everyone else stayed quiet for a little bit longer all of them thinking of how to answer him. "She can't have gone far and we probably just missed her. . . We will have to search again after school. . ." Jake said to them all.

"After school?! Why are we still going?!" Zack asked him, not understanding Jake's decision.

Jake signed and looked at Zack as soon as he finished that sentence. "If we don't go the school will call the police to look for us, once they do they will ask us why ain't we in school and what should we say to that once they catch us searching? "Oh uh sorry officer we was looking for our friend that disappeared yesterday because she found out we are the creatures from the stories.". . . Do you want that to happen?" Jake asked him.

". . . No." Zack simply replied to him.

Jake nodded his head at the answer Zack and gave and looked around the room. "Now then let's all get ready for school and then we'll be off. . . Lucas. . . You said your father got a house in the woods right? And he left it to you after he died?" Jake asked.

"Yeah he have. Why?" Lucas asked after putting a donut in his mouth.

"Simple we can't let her escape again can we?"

So sorry for not updating but I will try and do it more often I just got a lot of stories to update not just the published ones but in drafts too! Yes most of the time I write a lot of chapters before I start publishing the story, just in this story I haven't continued to do it because like I said loads of stories.


Have a great day!

Bye for now

To be continued!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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