Chapter 8

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~Next day at school~

As you was sta there with the others you was looking around the class. There wasn't that many people in today. "This is strange." You said to no one in particular.

The boys glanced at you and then looked around themselves. You gave a small smile and looked at the window you was next too. "Y/N are you okay?" Jake asked you.

You looked at him and nodded your head with a smile. "Yeah of course. However I can't wait to go home later." You said to him. 

All of them looked at you then. A slight sad look in their eyes, but they saw how happy you was when you said those words. "Oh how come?" Lucas asked you.

"Well I got a new book and I wanna read it right away. But my father said I can't bring it too school. So I have to wait until I go home." You said.

That's it!

One the bell rang for lunch you all got up and left to go to the cafeteria. Karma said he'd go and get your lunch and everyone else's. meanwhile without you knowing Jake got up as and looked at everyone else. When you turned your head back from watching Karma leave you looked at Jake. "What's wrong?" You asked him.

"Ah I just remembered I forgot my things in our last class I really need them for thr next one so I best go and get them." He said smiling at you.

"Ah I see. " You said and then smiled at him and nodded.

He started to walk away and and once he was out of sight of everyone he used his speed.

Jake's POV

There is something that the books don't know about, because no one have ever had change to write it down. I know Y/N really likes reading about our kind and that makes us all happy but still.

The thing that haven't been mentioned before is that the Shark might be more vicious, the Dragon might be deadly, and the snake might be scary but the one with the Neko abilities is the leader of the creatures. Only because of their speed and super strength with my ability I can jump really high and because of the speed I can kill someone with accuracy. I might just be a cat and compared to the others not that deadly of a creature but because of the abilities I have I am equally as terrifying then the others.

That's why they all do as I say. Or at least try.

I was using my speed to go through the alleyways it's a long way to go but I can do it. And I know how caring Y/N is so hopefully I can get there and back before she even thinks sometjing is wrong. I arrived at a door and went around the back. I climbed up and into a window. I was in a room with (Room colour walls) I looked around and realized.

This is Y/N's room. .

I heard a noise coming from down stairs so I quietly walked down the stairs and stopped on a step when I saw her father and mother sat there. They was talking, while the TV was on and having a drink of coffee or tea. I walked down and stood behind them both.

"I hope Y/N is having a good time in school. So far there haven't been any complaints." Her mother said.

"She has some friends that seem like nice people so I'm sure she's okay." Her father said with a smile too.

"She's fine, ma'am. Sir." I said to them.

They both turned around and looked at me, shocked as I was simply looking down to them. Both of them was about to move but I stopped them. "No please don't get up I only came here to ask you something." I said to them.

They both calmed down a bit and looked around the place. "how did you get in?" Y/N's mother asked me. "And who are you?" She asked right after.

"My name is Jake, I'm one of Y/N's friends. I came through the window." I answered them honestly.

". . Well since your here you might as well come and sit down Jake." Her father said to me.

I nodded and walked around to sit down with them. They both looked at me with their guards up. I can't blame them at all. I looked at the both of them and smiled too them. "I'm here to ask you if it's alright if me and friends can look after Y/N from now on." I said to them.

They both seemed shocked and looked at me. "What did you just say?!" Her father shouted.

A responsible response.

"I asked if me and friends can take care of her from now on." I repeated.

"That's not what he ment-"

"Oh I apologize."

Both of them looked back at eachother and then at me. "I ment what do you mean by that?! How dare you-"

That's when I cut him off and started to explain. "You see because of what I am and what my friends are we need someone to help pass it on. It seems as though we fell in love with Y/N. We won't let anyone hurt her and we will make sure sh-"

"No! And what do you mean what you and your friends are?! You guys bet-"

That's when he stopped when I let my cat ears appear and tail appear too. Both of them looked so pale when they saw this. I looked at them both eyes turned to red. As I managed to fully become a Neko. "No. . . . That's impossible. . . You can't be real-. . . ." They both said.

I sighed and looked too the side I know there was a lot of people that didn't believe we was real. I looked back at them and smirked. "So can we have her?" I asked them.

They didn't answer me at first, but. . "No way! We can't do that!" They both said.

"All I'm asking is for her too marry each of us and then become our family for the future gen-"

"We said no!!"

"That's such ashame."

That's that for chapter 8!

Yay I managed to update today whoo-hoo!
Anyway hope you all enjoyed it and Jake you was suppose to be nice to them.

Jake: I was. . . . I apologize.

. . . . Oh my god your adorable O////O

Jake: thank you. (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

Anyway. .

Bye for now

To be continued! 

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