Chapter 12

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Nobody's POV

All of them was standing there after Zack told them you was fast asleep. Jake looked at the food that he was making and continued to prepare everything that he needed to prepare. "Jake what are going to do if she leaves this place?" Karma asked him.

Jake stopped and turned around to look at his friend. "That won't happen we need to make sure she stays with us forever." Jake replied to him.

All of them looked at eachother and then nodded, as they was all in agreement Lucas looked around thinking someone was watching them. He walked over to the window and looked out of it.

"Something wrong Lucas?" Karma asked.

Lucas looked over and shook his head as he walked back. "I thought there was someone watching us but there is no one there." Lucas replied.

"We can't let Y/N go to school anymore and we can't let her leave this house of she's only around us lot then this plan will work, if not it might fall to pieces." Jake spoke back to the other boys.

And once again they all agreed.

~Next Day~

"What?! But I have to go to school!"

You was stood Infront of the four boys and became confused as they told you you couldn't go to school. They all looked at you once you said that to them. Karma sighed and looked at you. "Calm down. We're only telling you this because what if the killer is actually in our school?" He explained to you.

You looked at him suspicious and that's when Jake stepped in and looked at you. "Listen Y/N your our friend and all we want is you okay. You lost your family but you won't ever lose us. Please just stay here and don't go out. If something happened to you I'd be breaking my promise to your father about protecting you." Jake spoke up.

You looked at Zack, then Karma and then Lucas. All of them was giving the same look as what Jake was giving you. You sighed and nodded your head as they all walked out and closed the door. You walked up stairs and walked into the room they gave you and looked around the place already bored.

The words Karma was saying went through your head. "What if the killer was in our school?"

"Why would he say that? Of the killer was in our school then we'd know. . . But I don't know something about that is just weird to me." You spoke to no one in particular.

You walked down the stairs again and noticed they have gone. You decided that you couldn't just sit in the house all day and went to the door, when you tried it though the door was locked. Your eyes widened as you noticed this. What? It's locked. . . But it was unlocked before I went upstairs. . . Is someone in the house and they just trapped me in here with them?

You started to walk around the house but you couldn't find anyone else in there with you you went back to the door and tried to open it once again but it was still locked. This only gave you conclusion. One of the boys must have locked it. . . But if that's the case, then they stayed until I walked upstairs and then locked me in? But why?

You sighed and decided not to worry about it as it probably just them being extra safe. You walked upstairs and that's when you noticed the door to Jake's room was open half way. You went to close it but then you noticed something on his bed and something on his desk. There was a folder on his bed and stacks of paper on his desk. This confused you as you know Jake hates doing actual work so you knew it wasn't school work.

You walked in closer to the things and you picked up the folder. When you looked at it you gasped and you felt confused, shocked, and scared

All at the same time.

I apologize for not updating guys! I will try and update more regularly as I really like Yandere stories and I know you all do from all the comments I have seen in this book!

Thank you so much for reading and supporting this story!

I hope you all are enjoying this story so far.

Bye for now

To be continued!

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