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You watch your husband Shawn glide across the room, chatting effortlessly to each guest at the drinks party.

He's dressed in a loose shirt, fitting work pants and black leather boots. He looks like a vision and everyone around him sees it. He radiates this vibe which people are drawn to, they subconsciously gravitate across the room to chat with him.  

You're sipping a drink over by the bar, sitting on a stool and watching the whole party. Although you came as Shawn's plus one, being his wife and all, it's really his thing and you're more than happy to sit back and enjoy the free drinks as Shawn re-fills his social meter and does the rounds as it were. 

"Oh wow." 

You glance to your left and see a group of 4 women, probably not far off your age, ogling at Shawn. You're used to this by now, having dated Shawn for 5 years and been married for 2, you're very familiar with fans, starstruck moms and women vying for his attention. You brush it off, Shawn chose you and has stayed with you all this time, you're confident and happy with him.

"God, he's so hot, what I wouldn't do for that man." One of the women says, pretending to fan herself whilst eyeing up your husband.

"Would you take a look at him? He's even more gorgeous in person." Another girl chimes in and her friends nod in agreement.

Normally, this would be a water off a duck's back situation, you'd shrug it off and move on. But the way these women are talking about Shawn, it just gets under your skin like an itch you can't scratch.

Just as you're about to open your mouth and give these girls what's for, a hand rests on your lower back and a familiar cologne calms your senses. 

"Having fun?" Shawn teases, dropping a kiss on the top of your head before ordering another drink for you and himself. You turn and look up at him, his elbow and forearm resting flat against the counter of the bar as he gazes down at you, cheeks slightly pinker than usual, with a spark in his eyes.

"As always, free mojitos are my calling. Where free drinks are, I follow." You jokingly reply. Shawn knows you're always out on a limb at these kind of events, mostly because he has to make polite small talk to different managers, most of the staff at the label and so on. You're usually bored out of your mind so you say hi then excuse yourself to go and find a drink. Shawn understands and knows that as long as you're placated with a drink or two (or three but who's counting anyway?!), you'll happily be his plus one to these things.

"I just need to talk to a couple more people and then we can go and get food, okay?"

You nod, smiling as he squeezes your free hand, before he puts another drink in it, this one a sex on the beach cocktail. You roll your eyes knowingly at the innuendo and spin back to the party on your bar stool.

Shawn grins then strides off, heading in the direction of a group of people in stuffy business suits who look thoroughly bored and probably are missing their family meal time.

"How did she get such a catch like him?"

Your attention is drawn back to the group of women, however they're no longer eyeing up Shawn. Their focus is on you. A couple of them look down at you snottily, like you're dirt on the ground and the others look in amazement.

"I know, he's so fine and she's well... you know."

The girl who said that, flicks her hair behind her shoulder, locking eyes with you, knowing that you heard that. 

Your blood is boiling and you clench your teeth. How dare they belittle you like that?!

You spin your bar stool to face them and clear your throat. All eyes fall onto you.

"You know, I managed to snag my husband through three major things:

1. Having a personality and actually being a decent human being.

2. Having tact and lastly...Not being a judgemental bitch."

You pretend to count of your points on your fingers and smile smugly at the end when all of the girls' jaws drop.

You stand and pretend to walk away before turning back and saying:

"Oh and I could fix my looks if I felt I wanted to, but you can't fix your ugly personalities so..."

And with that you turn away going to find your handsome husband, leaving 4 embarrassed and slack mouthed girls behind you.

Shawn Mendes Imagines & One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now