Concert Surprise

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You're a young up and coming artist. You've always been into music and writing your own songs so when you got nominated for MTVs unsigned artists, it catapulted you into fame.

You'd met so many people at the award show but someone who was really interested in you and had stuck in your mind, was Shawn Mendes. He'd hugged you at the show, saying your performance was amazing and that he loved your lyrics. You'd exchanged numbers and met up for coffee one sunny afternoon. He turned out to be the loveliest guy you knew and you eventually began to date.

At first, you kept it a secret but being in the spotlight means nothing is a secret for long and soon everyone found out you guys were dating. Most people were happy but some of Shawn's fans were bitter and it did get you down a lot. They picked on you from your height to what lipstick you wore that day. You tried to ignore their mean tweets and Shawn always supported you.

Recently, you'd got a deal supporting Melanie Martinez on the US leg of her world tour. It was a huge opportunity so you and Shawn had celebrated for two nights in a row. Now it was the first night of her tour and you'd been rehearsing everywhere, from your shower to the car and even while food shopping. Shawn had said he wasn't available that night and you were gutted to say the least. You knew he had commitments but it hurt to know that he wasn't going to be there for your first big live show with some of your fans in the audience.

You can hear the fans screaming in the arena and you're backstage having your makeup done. Melanie comes in and hugs you. She's the sweetest human ever and she says how happy she is that you're supporting her tour. The tour manager comes in and tells you're on in 5. Taking a deep breath and checking your phone one last time to see if Shawn has texted you good luck (which he hasn't) you look in the mirror and leave your dressing room. Your heart is beating so loud that you can't hear the fans screaming your name as you walk towards the steps that lead to the stage. You shake your hands out and stretch your neck while trying to remember your choreography. Your dancers are behind you, chatting and your manager is talking to someone holding your guitar. You hear someone yell your name and you walk up onto the stage.

The lights are blinding, the screams is deafening, you can hear the intro to your first song in your ear piece and you begin to sing.

Remembering all the dances and words made you feel more confident and you interact with the crowd. Some girls brought banners for you and you give them a shout out.

They sing along to your new single and a cover that you decided to do to hype up the crowd.

You're about to slow it down for your last song and you look offstage to see someone bringing your guitar. Your heart is beating fast from all the jumping around but it recognises him before you do. It beats even faster and a huge grin breaks our across your face. It's Shawn. He made it after all. He smiles as he sees your face, his eyes never leaving yours.  He laughs as the fans begin scream when he walks out onto the stage. He gives them a small wave as he hands you your guitar. You laugh at how cute he is and he blows you a kiss as he leaves.

You begin to play your last acoustic song, originally you wrote this song because you thought you were in love with a boy in your class but then you realised you just liked the idea of being in love so after reworking the song about 8 times you changed it to Shawn and wrote about the 'honeymoon' phase of your relationship. The fans scream as you strum the last note and you smile. This was the best feeling in the world.  You thank everyone for supporting you and walk off the stage. Shawn is waiting offstage and you hand your guitar to the tech man before running and hugging him. He pulls you close, his hard chest pressed up against your sweaty skin. His breath mingles with yours and his brown eyes swirl with a mixture of pride and lust. He kisses your forehead before pulling you in for a full kiss on the lips.

"You were amazing out there, I'm so proud of you." Shawn says and he grabs your hand before pulling you down the stairs towards your dressing room. Melanie is walking past you and you quickly introduce the two. Shawn hugs her before grabbing your hand again. He holds you close and closes the door.

Shawn leans in to kiss again but you're not letting him off that easily.

"You didn't even text me good luck you know." You cross your arms over your chest, pulling a face. You're not really angry with him but you like to tease.
Shawn leans back against the counter in the dressing room and studies your face.

"You don't need a good luck text, you're amazing anyway."

You blush involuntarily because Shawn always knows the right things to say to make your insides turn to mush.

"You're annoying." You huff.

"And you're my super star." You roll your eyes at Shawn's cheesy-ness and lean in to kiss him.

Shawn holds your face and makes sure you're looking him in the eye before saying:

"I'm so in love with you Y/N."


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