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Giggling as you lift your glass of wine, you grin and clink it against your friend's glass. The wine sloshes over the side and you laugh again, chugging it while your friend sips her own, eyeing you.

You've definitely had one too many drinks. But hey, it's Christmas and your heart is broken. Noticing the warm fire in the living room of your friend's cosy home, you jump up off the chair, stumbling backward as you go. You almost fall flat on your ass, but your friend reaches out to catch you.

"Y/N slow down girl, how many glasses have you had?"

In truth, you can't actually remember. You'd opened a bottle at home and probably polished that off, then you brought two with you and one lay empty on the counter, with the other on the table. Your friend is tipsy, probably on her 2nd glass. Your brain gets muddled and you frown. It's safe to say you've drunk more than enough, but it still can't soothe the ache in your chest.

Last week, your boyfriend of 3 years had broken up with you. He'd claimed you weren't giving him enough affection and he was lonely. You hadn't even acknowledged that you might have been neglecting him, you two had a simple relationship, no over the top PDA or excessive romance. Simple. But, it wasn't only his announcement that broke you, it was that he'd met someone else. Someone who would treat him better than you had. That hurt.

After that, you'd felt like the whole world was mocking you, everywhere you went, you saw couples holding hands, kissing under the mistletoe, being jolly. It was sickening.

You flop onto the couch next to the fire and close your eyes, letting its warmth envelope you like a blanket. Reaching for your glass, you finish it off and hold it out to your friend, indicating a refill.


You crack an eye open, peering at her from the couch.


"Y/N, I know that Josh leaving you hurts but girl, you're turning into a full alcoholic. Don't think I didn't notice the hip flask in your bag. Honey, it's okay to feel something, hurt, angry, sad. Don't just drink it all away."

You sigh, kinda knowing this speech was coming.

"I don't wanna hear it. Just let me enjoy my wine, thanks." You instantly regret your harsh words but don't have the energy to correct yourself.

"No. You need to go home and get some sleep. Do you have someone to pick you up?"

You shake your head, keeping your eyes closed. The fire feels so snug and your head is swimming.

You hear some rustling but don't bother looking, a faint dial tone makes you sit up, putting your head in your hands. Your head spins and you groan, giggling again. Why are you even laughing? You really don't know at this point.

"Hey, sorry to call you this late. Y/N's here and she's, well, not in a great place. I need her to leave but I don't trust putting her in a taxi, is there any chance you could come and get her?"

"Who's that?" You ask, looking up to see your friend with her phone pressed to her ear. She glances over at you.


You laugh again and eye your empty glass, wishing it was full again.

"Can you tell him that I want a puppy? I've asked him for like 100 years but nothing, oh and I want a new heart. This one's faulty."

You hear her sigh.

"I'll pass on your message."

You grin at her, giving her a thumbs up and lie back on the couch.

Shawn Mendes Imagines & One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now