An Intervention Part 3

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Your heart expands and you wrap your arms around his body, embracing his strong build. You missed his smell and before you know it, you're crying onto his soft shirt.

He tilts your chin up to face him, he brushes the tears away with his thumb.

"Now, can we sit and eat a civilised meal please? I'm so hungry." Shawn whispers and you laugh, hugging him once again before sitting back down at the table.


You and Shawn walk back to the hotel he's staying at, hand in hand. You make a mental note to take a cab and pick up your stuff later before you end up forgetting completely. Living in Shawn's tees is cute but you would actually like fresh underwear for starters. Plus, you don't want to move too fast in this new rebuilt relationship, as comfortable as it feels, you can't forget what Shawn did.

As you approach the hotel, Shawn turns to look at you.

"Y/N, don't be mad at Andrew please." You open your mouth to protest but he cuts you off.

"You know he only had our best intentions at heart, plus he probably couldn't cope with my crappy attitude." You laugh, still unsure of his excuse. No matter how much you love Andrew, and you really like him, he still messed with you and Shawn's business. He couldn't leave you to sort it out yourselves and that bothered you a lot.

"I don't know Shawn." You sigh and he nods, knowing that he can't change your mind right now. You're still walking on egg shells, even after a nice supper. It's all too surreal, Shawn being here, in London, willing to spend a lot of time apologising to you. The set up, however much it pissed you off, was also very surprising and it made your cold heart thaw a little.

You both enter the fancy lobby and walk to the elevator, in silence. Shawn bites his lip nervously, he's probably worried that you'll yell at Andrew. You won't, at least not right now and not in front of Shawn. You hate to admit that he might have helped you get Shawn back, but you haven't forgiven him for putting his foot in your business just yet.

The elevator dings and you get in. The quiet music plays in the background. Suddenly you're back to when you and Shawn had first met, you were in the crazy honeymoon stage of dating. You can remember it like yesterday, the stolen kisses in the hotel elevators and the secret hand holding. You had to wait a while before announcing your relationship to the world, Andrew and Shawn's PR team had to make sure you weren't just a fling.

You're very aware of Shawn's warm hand on your lower back, gently pressing against your exposed skin. The doors slide shut and the tension envelopes you two. You glance up at him and see his lips turn up as he caresses sliver of skin that's exposed.

"Shawn..." You warn but your body betrays you as usual. You sigh at his touch and automatically lean back into him. He takes advantage of this and bends down to kiss your neck. Shawn's other hand snakes up to press the stop button on the elevator. You jolt as the elevator stops, Shawn holds you and your eyes spring open. You catch him smirking at your surprise. You've missed this, playful Shawn is fun. He backs you up against the wall, holding himself up with a hand and the other running down your body, careful not to touch you too much, but just enough to have your heart racing. You realise your breaths are coming out hard and heavy as Shawn's lips lightly ghost over yours before placing gentle kisses on your jawline. As his arms cage you in, you're helpless to his lips.

"They probably have CCTV in here." You breathe and Shawn smirks, dropping his eyes to your lips.

"Then let's give them a good show."

Shawn lets go of the wall and runs both his hands down the length of your body, catching your thighs and lifting you so your skirt rides up your upper legs, exposing your lacy panties. You have to wrap yourself around Shawn's waist to prevent yourself from slipping.

Leaning your back against the wall, you let your hands wander over Shawn's back, feeling the familiar contours of his muscles, the dips and curves of his toned back. His silk shirt feels smooth under your fingers, you can feel the heat radiating off his back through the material. 

Next you stroke his wide neck, feeling the veins and soft skin, before moving your hands to caress his chest. He's even more toned than before and you undo the top few buttons of his shirt, exposing his pecks and the smudge of chest hair. You press your lips to the base of his throat, feeling Shawn groan and grip your waist. Slowly, you kiss down his chest, feeling the hair tickle your nose. You bring your head back up and look at Shawn. His eyes are dark and hooded, he has his lip between his teeth as he stares at you seductively.

You bring one hand to cup his cheek, caressing his slight stubble with your thumb. He closes his eyes briefly before turning his head and placing a delicate kiss on the palm of your hand. The touch, though small, means a lot and you lean forward, capturing his lips with yours.

Shawn's hands hold your waist, still drawing invisible shapes over your skin as you two re-familiarise yourselves. You open your mouth wider, allowing his tongue to enter and smoothly stroke yours. The kiss is gentle, like you're both nervous teenagers on your first date. However, Shawn's wandering hands think otherwise. Heat breaks out over your skin as his palm moves up towards your breast, caressing the swell before sliding back further down than your waist.

One of his hands holds the wall as the other finds your panties, gently stroking you through the cotton. Your body shivers in excitement but you're not ready for this. You'd like nothing more than to run into Shawn's bed but you need to set boundaries if you want the relationship to work again.

You pull away and Shawn frowns, his eyes are dark and his breathing laboured. Panting, you catch your breath.

"It's not that I don't want to, because trust me, I do. But we need to figure ourselves out Shawn, go slowly at first, rediscover. Being hasty will only end up with heartbreak, so please, let's do this right." You whisper.

Shawn nods, accepting your words and gently lets you down, helping you adjust your dress. He rebutting his shirt, you notice that he leaves a couple undone and you swallow as he winks at you. Shawn leans across you to press the stop button again and the elevator resumes its journey.

You look up at him, seeing his flushed cheeks and swollen lips.

"By the way, you still owe me like 10 pairs of panties."

Shawn twists his head to look down at you, smirking darkly.

"And I'll owe you over 10 more just to see that blush on your cheeks again."

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