1) The discover

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Hello everyone

I m happy to present you this new story. In fact I ve written it during this summer, after a tragical event that happened in my family

It was born from two ideas.

- What would happen if Harry , instead of discovering Snape's worst moment in the pensieve, discovers his true allegeance.

- But I had also the impression that there was the beginning of an explosion in the relations between Harry/ Snape / Umbridge. And I decided to show this explosion.

Warning of violent scenes and langage

Normally, I will update the new chapters each tuesday

Enjoy reading !

Chapter 1 : The discover



- What is this noise, professor ?, asked Harry

- Stay there and don't touch anything, I will come back soon, was the answer, apart if you want to be in detention all the month


His cape flying in his back, the professor went out of his office.

The survivant, annoyed, was observing the bocals ' ingredients.

A silver ray, attracted his eyes. Yes, it was the director's pensieve. And when the death eather went out quickly, he forget to take his memories


Now, he will know why the director is making as if he was invisible. He will know what we hide to him.


After an hesitation, he thought :

- The proffessor is not here, and it will take only few minutes

Then, he put his head into the silver water and felt aspired

The golden boy looked arond him. He recognised the director's office.


A sound of moaning. Someone is crying.


He approached and stayed immobile as if he was touched by a Pertrificus Totalus.


On a chair, the professor he hated the most was crying

And next to him, the ennemy of the Dark Lord was trying – whithout success - to console him


- You promised me you will do everything to protect her. And she ....she... is, the potionnist voice brokenand he was unable to finish his entence.

Instead, he cryied again.

- As you, said the white wizard, they gave their confidence to someone who doesn't care of it

- But she is daed, and all of them died, said Snape, tears flooding onto his pale face

- No. Her son is alive

- WHAT ?

- If you were really loving her, you would be happy her son survived. He is James' portray, excepted the eyes. He has his mother's eyes, two emeraudes...

- ENOUGH ! shouted Snape, his eyes full of tears. She didn't survived.

- So make your possible to protect her son. As that, she wouldn't be death for nothing.


The chosen one had the impression to be stupefied. It's impossible !

He was convinced Snape always wished to kill him ! Moreover he is a death eather !

But this memory explains somethings.

And in his heart, he was so touched and tarted to cry too.


- But promise me you will say nothing. And I don't want her son to know about this, said the spier after a long silence.


The golden boy was just terribly regretting his awful behaviour toward Snape when he felt a very strong hurting in his arm.

The memory was diseappearing.

They came back to Snape's office

And Snape ' s eyes were brighting of hathred

This is all for today

Tell me in review what you thought about it

Coming soon : Snape reaction and the beginning of the problems with Umbrige

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