4) The choice

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Hello everyone

And now, the forth chapter.

I hope you will enjoy it, even if it's not what you thought to.

Before I forgot, the thoughts or the memories are in italic.

Have a nice chapter.

Chapter 4 : the choice


Knock – knock – knock

- Come in, said Snape.

He was surprised to see Draco Malefoy here

- Professor

- Hum

- Umbridge is asking if you can come.

- Why ?

- We captured Potter and his friend, answer Draco proud of him

- Really ?

- Yes

- I come, said Snape, his cold mask always on his face


Into Umbitch's office, Harry was thinking to what he saw the last night.


In the departement of mystery, an alley with crystal balls

In the middle, a chair, someone sat onto it

A prisonner masked, tied up

Black dresses and white masks, the death eathers came

The dark lord is here too. He took off the prisonner's mask

The prisonner is Sirius Black.

- Where is it ?, asked Voldemort

- I don't know what you are talking about

- Are you Sure ?

- I have no idea

- Well , endoloris

The prisonnoner shouted, cryied and suffered

- Do you know ?

- What ?

- You are just a fool, said Sirius with disdain

- Endoloris, said Bellatrix .Now, I will take my revenge !

She had a diabolic smile on her face and laughed

- MWAHAHAHAHAH ! A golden occsion to kill you, you the bastard who dishonored our family !

- Oh really, asked Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy at the same time

- It doesn't matter, settled Sirruis once and for all

- As you said, it doesn't matter....., started Lucius.

- Endoloris, ended Voldemort, his laugh covering the shouts.


Harry thought :

- How can I be so stupid ? Because of me, they would be tortured or worst...and I put them in in danger. My only hope is Snape.


He was interrupted in his reflexions by Snape who was knocking at the door.

- You asked me, said quietly Snape

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