5) apologies for a new beginning

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Hello everyone

It's the last chapter of this story. I m sad because it's the end ....

This story is one of my favorites so I hoped you enjoyed it too

Have a nice last chapter !

Chapter 5 : apologies for a new beginning


- So, said the frog, can you tell me what's wrong

- Nothing, replied Snape, they only whished to buy some butterbeer at the village.

- You are lying, shouted Umbitch, her face covered by the hathred

- I remind you that I am a master in Legilimency, declared the potionist, his voice fleeding of sarcasm. So, I can't lie

- We'll see ! Endoloris !


While Umbitch and Snape were arguing, the golden boy and his friends free themselves.

And when the frog thrown the Doloris to Snape, Harry's friends escaped, after the survivant told them it was a trap


Snape was suffering, but he made the choice to save the boy, whithout any regret . He stayed silencious.


- And now, What did they do ?

- It's not your problem, if you say I lie, I can't do more to convince you, even if I wasn't a legilimens.

- As you want ! ENDOLORIS !

- PROTEGO ! Shouted Harry who jumped between the two teachers to protect Snape


And while Umbitch was shouting and crying, the survivant declared :

- I think that if the population and the ministery would learn about what you are doing here, you would be hired and finish your life in jail, full of darkness and dispair.

And the spell ceased. The frog tried to take her wand to kill Harry


But they shouthed together


Her wand jumped throught the window, while the Ministery Spier flew to crash on the wall.

Five seconds later, she woke up again, and Snape muttered :

- Sectumsempra

And in an other fly, she fell on the floor, her blood flowing from her body. On her corpse, big marks, as if she had been cut by a sword. The blood was flooding in big in big tasks, under her corpse. Her eyes were waiting for death.


Harry turne back to see the potions master trying to wake wake up. The golden boy gave him his arm to help him wake up.

- Proffesor, I just want to apologies. You saved us, thank you so much. I was Idiot to go in the pensieve... Sorry, said Harry quietly

- You know, me too I have to apologies. I judged you very badly, and I used you as my revenche onto your father's actions. It really touched me when you said I am the courageous and loyal men you ever known.

- It's what I think since I ve seen this memory.

- Thank you so much, muttered Snape, his eyes full of tears.

And the two former ennemies hugged themselves.



Two days passed.


The ministery was horrified to learn the means used by Umbridge. Fudge resigned byut was arrested and condemmed before he could escape.


Albus Dumbledore came back to Hogwarts as the Headmaster.


With Harry and Severus, they done everything to prove that Voldemort came back.

They successed, and are working now on a war trategy with the Order of the Phoenix.


Concerning Harry and Severus, they buried their hathred and built a new relationship based on confidence and respect. And of one of them has a problem, the other was there to help him.

Always was their vow.




So it's the end of this story

I didn't want to make a sad ending, with someone between Harry and Severus dying, because it wouldn't go with their reconcialition, I prefered the idea of the new relation and the happy end

Please let me a review... I really like to know what you liked or not in this story

And now, before put the mention complete on this story, I tell you thank you for everything !

See you soon in an other Story


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