unit one. chapter 1-the after war.

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The night sighed with every breath they took and the stars seemed to loose their sparkle when they exhaled.

The cramped carriage creaked on silently, swaying from side to side as it traversed the Rocky path in this painful silent desolate night with only the crickets and infrequent neighing of the horses breaking the silent monotone.

It was a day, a day that would never be forgotten by the inhabitants of this creaky old cramped up carriage. A horribly horrid day indeed.

The horses pulled the carriage up a hill and round another, far away from the murderous stench of blood and already rotting bodies that were as unwelcoming to the nose as to the eye. The battlegrounds were now left dead silent- quite literally...

Meanwhile in the carriage that creaked and swayed, sat Paul- one of the servants that had been taken to the war to serve the soldiers. He was serving the king as his personal servant and it was a post salivated for and envied by many other servants but poor them there was no more king to serve.

His death was the loss that had brought about the sadness and downcast long faces of everyone that accommodated this creaky swaying carriage that seemed to mourn the loss too.
The horse drawn carriage procession went down the hill slope and the kingdom's twinkling lights could be seen from this point resembling little orange stars embedded into the earth.
Atleast the kingdom lay unscathed by the great war to liberate it from the long bony fingers of the enemy, the bony fingers that Paul's group had worked so hard to break.

The sad melancholic procession entered the great city Gates and proceeded on to the castle with bystanders on either side of the road watching with downcast eyes as the procession passed, it was clear that news on the king's death had travelled faster than the creaky carriages. Some of the people had decided to take the optimistic side of the story instead and their eyes sparkled and radiated the happiness within - they were glad the war was over, just like Paul was

 Some of the people had decided to take the optimistic side of the story instead and their eyes sparkled and radiated the happiness within - they were glad the war was over, just like Paul was

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