Chapter 33

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Hand in hand with Fred, y/n came with stares from Fred's parents and other adults that she didn't know, as she stepped into the long hallway, lit with gas lamps and a large overhead chandelier. At one time this must have been a grand entryway, complete with ornate portraits on the walls, but by the time y/n first visited the house it was gloomy and cobwebby, with the wallpaper peeling off and the carpet worn thin.

Whispers were heard behind your back asking who you were and constant fear that you weren't going to be good enough to fit in.

"Mum, can we speak" Fred asked his mum, her mother looked at you, and then at her son, "of course, honey" said Molly, still standing still when Fred clearly wanted to go into a private room. "Privately" Fred commented and then his mother simply nodded as she followed him, what it seemed to be a DEN, leaving you alone with a lot of people staring down at you.

"y/n, you alright?" asked George, who walked slowly towards you. Obviously he knew the answer, he could see the bruises Lucius had left on you, and that your whole face was pink and your eyes were red from crying so much. You tried to hide it all in your hoodie, but it was useless, and knowing your parents, Goerge could put the pieces together.

You simply shook your head no and George would pull you closer to him and wrapped his arm around you. You would wrap your arms in him and bury your face in his chest, as your tears would fall from your eyes.


"Mum, please, we can't let her go back" Fred begged his mother to let his girlfriend stay, but his mother wasn't unsure.

"It is not my say! I don't own this house, Mr Black does." said Mrs Weasley and Fred glared at her. He knew he didn't like her, just because of her family, he went out of the room and went straight to Sirius black, who was sitting on the couch playing some board games with Ron and Ginny. y/n wasn't anywhere in the room, neither was Goerge, he must have taken her somewhere private to talk.

"Is y/n allowed to stay?" Fred pleaded, Sirius was about to open his mouth but he was interrupted by Fred "because if you won't allow it, I will leave and find some other please for her, because there is no way in hell, i am letting her back in there!" Fred exclaimed.

Sirius just stared at him, waited for him to finish. When it seemed like Fred hadn't spoken again for another 50 seconds, Sirius thought it would be safe for him to talk without getting interrupted.

"Are you done?" you said.

"I already told your twin brother that she's allowed to stay as long as she want" said Sirius, causing Fred to look at him with surprise.

"I know what it's like to be a black sheep in the house of black, I can relate to her. Of course I should make her feel welcome" you said "what makes you think y/n is a Black sheep?" asked Ron.

Ginny gave him a serious look?" and Fred sighed at him.

"I was a black sheep because I disagreed with my family's opinions of muggleborns and non-purebloods. y/n is dating a Weasley, which is pretty much everything Malfoy's against, no offense, believe me, she's definitely the black sheep" said Siirus and Ron pursed his lips.

"Thank you" said Fred.

"Are you sure about this? Mr Black?" asked Molly Weasley awkwardly.

"Yes, Molly I am Sirius about this" Sirius replied with a laugh, but everyone else just rolled their eyes at him.

"Woah, tough audience" said Sirius, grabbing his whiskey bottle and pouring some in a glass.


You were so grateful for Sirius to let you stay, but it was still pretty awkward though. you could tell Mrs Weasley didn't like you, nor did Mr Weasley. It wasn't fun for you to be here, in fact, you were ashamed to be here. Not because you hated the weasleys, like your family, more like the opposite really.

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