Chapter 11 dreams and demons

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Chapter 11 Dreams and demons

It wasn't long after that when I decided to head back to my campsite. I was shaking slightly and I was nervous. I had just encountered a bear in the middle of the woods. What was stopping them from returning? I had spent a few hours int he presence of people who could turn into wolves. Nothing should really scare me much more then my sanity.

"Don't worry." Ralph told me and placed a hand on my shoulder. It was the first time that he had actually touched me for seemingly no reason at all. Earlier he helped me stand up but this time. I felt warmth coming from his hand and seeping into my skin. "We'll patrol the area often, make sure that there's no chance of anyone or anything interrupting your sleep."

It was reassuring, I know that he was being completely honest with me, I would be able to trust him and the pack to make sure that I had a night which was undisturbed. "Thank You." I said awkwardly, we had arrived at my tent and he was looking at it curiously. I was sure that he had seen a tent before, perhaps he was curious about how stupid I was to still be this unprepared. "Um...will I see you again?"

My question seemed to jerk him from his thoughts. He looked at me in surprise and with a raised eyebrow. "Of course." He said too quickly and too loudly, he cleared his throat and shook his head. He took a deep breath and tried to play it off as cool. "I do know that werewolves exist now. I can't just let you leave and tell everyone."

I got the sense that he was a rather bad liar. He spoke too quickly and he tried to come up with a rather poor excuse.He had told me earlier the opposite, it was alright hat I knew about werewolves. Either way I wasn't going to push for an actual answer from him. I was sure that it was probably something private or something I wasn't supposed to know. "Alright, if you say so." I gave a slight grin and shuffled awkwardly. "Will I be seeing you tomorrow?"

His eyes seemed to brighten, like a dog whose owner was holding a bone. "Hopefully." He grinned slightly too. He looked around without any idea what to do next, I knew because I was doing the same. It was an awkward silence , I knew that we had the potential to have comfortable silences between us. Yet the day would not be today.

"I should sort this out. I'll see you if i see you, yeah?" I hope that he knew what I meant, I opened out the invitation to him. I didn't know how much communication he had with others who are generally awkward and don't often speak their mind. I don't' know why I was so nervous, perhaps it was the fact we were different species, once again. I don't know why this bothered me so much, I may have just been incredibly surprised.

He nodded once, he seemed slightly confused. It was obvious he knew there was a message there, he just couldn't figure it out. "Right." He drew out the word for quite a while and cleared his throat, stepping backwards slightly. "I'll see you...when I see you." He did a gesture which was similar to finger guns. It caused me to burst out laughing, it was rather humorous to see someone as handsome as Ralph be so awkward.

"Have a good night Ralph!" I said as I turned back towards the tent, hoping that would stop me from saying anything else to hold him up for much longer. I heard leaves and footsteps behind me and I assumed he was walking away.

"Thank you,Have a good night Aiden." His voice was quieter then it had been before. I figured it must have been because he had walked some distance away before answering. His tone was soft yet still held some amusement in it, like he was happy. I smiled to myself as I unzipped my tent. Tonight was going to be interesting as I mulled over all the information I had gathered.

The night came in quick, I had a rather mediocre dinner of vegetarian spaghetti and meatballs before I got cozy in my second hoodie and curled up under my blanket. I knew that I should have probably messaged my mother or brother but I was still vibrating with the excitement front ehe day. I managed to get a few hundred words written for my assessment, Ralph was very helpful when it came to learning about the other creatures and animals which lived in the forest.

I fell asleep to the sound of silence and wind. It was a peaceful night, I thought that I had heard some leaves rustling but I shrugged it off once again as the wind. I was nervous to sleep but I had faith in the wolves which had saved my skint hat day.

Unfortunately, it seemed that my subconscious did not.

That night I had one of the most peculiar yet horrific dreams that I had ever experienced. I was stood in the woods, not far from a blood-covered trap. I recognised the trap well. I was under the impression it was the same trap, that I couldn't find a way to save the poor wolf and something horrid had happened to them, Out of the shadows came many people. They each had amber eyes and sharp fangs. They had large and long claws which reminded me of scissors.

They each stared at me with a glare so harsh I would never be able to reproduce it. I could hear the sound of growling getting louder and louder as they seemed to get closer and closer. No words were exchanged and their facial expressions got more and more vicious. The growling got louder and I felt like I had to run.

As I turned around I could hear bones breaking and snapping, cries of pain and screams of agony. I was running, I ran away front he cries and growls. I ran until it felt like I couldn't run any longer, my throat felt dry and my legs burnt. I stumbled. I tripped. When I looked up I came face to face with bright green eyes. The last thing I saw was a pair of claws as the wolf attacked.

I woke up with a start, I was breathing heavily and I was sweating. It was still rather dark, no light had came through the fabric of the tent so I could safely assume it was early in the morning. I smiled slightly in relief that my dream was not a reality and shook my head. These night-terrors were getting on my nerves. They'd affected me for a while but I had never really looked into them.

I shifted the blanket so that it was no longer on me and I took the second hoodie off. I sat in thought for a few moments, debating on whether or not I should open the tent to get some fresh air. I decided that I probably shouldn't, I would be able to feel refreshed tomorrow, if I fell back asleep.

So I lay back down in hopes of a few more hours. Thoughts raced through my head, despite my attempts to calm them. One last thought before my mind shut off was, if I had only met Ralph today and discovered the existence of werewolves , how come I've had that dream before?

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