Chapter 38 Intruder

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Chapter 38 Intruder

Aiden's POV

I didn't go to my parents house that evening. I stayed in my apartment and ate my weight in ice cream. That's a bit of an exaggeration. I ate what I had in the freezer which was a rather pathetic looking cornetto. Either way, I treated myself to some ice cream.

I didn't know what to do with the family matters and decided it was for future Aiden to figure out when my thoughts were more organized and I could look at the entire situation with new eyes. It had been a stressful few days and I needed the evening to relax a little bit.

I had fun with the pack. Those thoughts distracted me from watching reruns of childhood programmes. It was fun and friendly. It was a lovely atmosphere. I went to bed that night with a worried frown on my face. I had left my laptop on not too far away from ym bed as I didn't like to sleep in my apartment without sound.

I curled up under the covers in a t-shirt and pajama pants. It was rather chilly. I had shut all the windows and tried to snuggle up to the quilt as much as I could. I sighed ito the pillow. I tossed and I turned several times throughout the night before I fell into a rather restless slumber.

I guess that it was a good thing I was a light sleeper.

I was faintly aware of sound, I could hear my laptop talking. I had woken up every time it threatened to turn itself off so I knew there was sound coming from my laptop. Though there was something else. I could heat footsteps. Footsteps weren't uncommon around here to be heard. It was usually upstairs or next door. I could hear them due to the thin walls. These footsteps were too close.

I stayed still and silent as my heart thumped within ym chest. I got a start a few times but I shuddered slightly. I could hear voices. I could always hear voices in this room but these voices were unfamiliar. I was worried and half asleep. I knew there was someone in my apartment. I guessed that there was more then one considering there was people talking.

"There." I heard someone say as footsteps got closer. I tensed up, fearing that i would hear my bedroom door open but I didn't. I heard the footsteps get a little quieter as the person walked past. My room was small. It could be mistaken for a closet front eh outside.

I was slow as I rolled over, flinching at every noise which came from my mattress.I could now see the door to my bedroom. It hadn't been opened. I was slow. I had to ensure that nobody could hear me. I reached over, putting a hand on the floor to keep myself steady. I stretched and locked the door.

I hoped that the person didn't hear that at all. I hoped that it could be seen as someone who accidentally left their television on as they left. I hoped that whoever it was, didn't know I was there. My heart was beating fast and I shuddered. I knew I couldn't make it out of the window, it was too big of a drop.

"Where is he?" I heard a rough voice say from outside my bedroom. There must have been more than one person, the question was directed towards someone. THere was a moment where I could what a noise but I couldn't make out any words. Then a simple action made my blood run cold and caused me to freeze.

The handle of my door shook. Someone was trying to get in. I took a sharp intake of breath and hoped they wouldn't hear me. "Locked." I heard someone curse under their breath, The voice wasn't a familiar one at all. "What're we supposed to do if he's not here?" There was another moment where I couldn't really hear anything. "They're coming."

I heard smashing and loud footsteps. I flinched with every sound. It seemed to be getting further and further away, though they got louder and louder. This place wasn't big. I heard a door slam rather loudly, the front door was the only one which could make that kind of noise. I didn't move.

I didn't want to come out of my safe space until I knew for certain that there was nobody there. I then heard another rather loud nose. It didn't cause me fear or trouble. It was a rather comforting noise. It was a howl.

A smile came to my face, the tightness in my chest started to ease a little bit. I was shaking. I sat up in my bed, my eyes still fixated on the door. I was still hesitant to get up. I stood up slightly and started to tiptoe to the door. I jumped back slightly when I heard banging. My heart was thumping in my chest like a drum.

I reached over and grabbed my baseball bat which I was advised to have in case of emergencies. I kept it just under my bed. I didn't really think of it when I was in immediate danger. I was more focused on keeping people out rather than defending myself.

I took a deep breath and unlocked my door. It might be my neighbours checking on me. They might have seen people leave the apartment or they might've heard the loud noises. They may also be coming to complain about the noise. Looking around, I saw that they tried their best to destroy everything here. I gave a slight huff when i saw my coffee table on it's side. I couldn't exactly hide over there.

I heard the banging again, it was coming from the front door. I put the bat behind me and slowly walked over to it. I could feel myself relaxing, I wasn't as tense as I was a few moments ago. I was aware that there was a door between me and whoever was on the other side of it. My space was no longer being invaded.

I approached the door carefully, I noticed that it was actually broken now. I could see through the side of it. My heart came to my throat and I smiled when I saw two green eyes in the hallway. Two very familiar green eyes.

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