Chapter 19 Nighty night

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Chapter 19 Nighty Night

An alpha's work was extremely stressful and taxing. That was what I had learned after talking to Lathen. It was a job which was never really done. They had to make sure that everyone in the pack was well-looked after, they had to keep an eye on other packs, they had to form alliances, they had to plan where to travel to and when they would be travelling.'

"How can you handle it?"I asked curiously, I had started to lean back in the uncomfortable chair, I could no longer feel it digging into me as I had been sat there a while. "It sounds like so much to keep up with." I was sure it was clear that I was admiring the skills which Lathen had, I could barely keep track of university stuff.

Lathen chuckled, he looked younger than he had when I had first seen him. The discussion made his eyes brighter and worry left his features. "Eben is a fantastic help and Abilene looks after the pups well, she even looks after some of the older members of the pack such as Randall, those who are a little bit reckless." He gave another chuckle. I could tell he was enjoying the conversation. "They can be a little hard to keep up with, but everyone knows what they have to do and the importance of their role."

I nodded, it was something that I had been told a few times. It startled me to see that it was getting dark. I hadn't noticed the light fleeing the room. "I stood up, facing the small window. "I'm sorry." I apologized with a slightly panicked tone. "But I think that I have stayed longer than I had intended." That wasn't exactly a lie, I hadn't planned how long I would be there. I just knew I had to get back rather soon, so that I was not wandering the forest in the dark.

Lathen's eyes also widened as he looked towards the clock on his wall, I didn't exactly trust the clock which said quarter past three, yet he seemed to understand it. "Yes, I am sorry. It does seem that I got rather carried away." He still held a smile as he walked over to me. "I quite enjoyed this conversation, it makes a change. Talking to someone who doesn't' really know about werewolves and is actually eager to learn, it doesn't happen quite often."

"I'm sure that's not true." I tried to deny it. I felt like everything was a little surreal, I got a jolt every time werewolves were mentioned. "Werewolves are extremely interesting, I've loved learning about them." He seemed to be bashful as he looked down to the flooring and then back up at me. It was as though I had given him one of the best compliments int he world.

"Thank you, not a lot of humans hold that opinion." He cleared his throat and his tone went from soft to a regular, somewhat intimidating tone. "Now, you should probably go and see if Randall is back by now." I nodded as I left the office, Lathen stood where he was and watched me go.

As I walked down the hallway, I could hear laughing. I had to jump out of the way as Channon and Channing came racing down the hall, there really wasn't that much space. I looked back in front of me to see Abilene running after them, they were all laughing yet I saw that Abilene's clothing was thoroughly soaked.

I shook my head and continued to the sitting room, I didn't make it inside before the front door opened and Ralph stepped in. His dark look seemed to brighten as he saw me. I could also see a lot of surprise in his features. "Hello." He tilted his head to the side slightly. He was wearing different clothes, I still didn't understand their system for hiding clothes in the forest.

"Hello." I smiled back at him and instead walked towards him. "Lathen said that I should probably head back." I saw the light in his eyes dim slightly as he nodded. His eyes moved to behind me for a moment and I looked back, confused. Behind me stood a lady with blonde hair and green eyes, she was holding Melina.

"Can uncle Aiden stay?" Little Melina cutely asked Ralph. The lady who was holding her chuckled, I assumed that this was Elowen, I hadn't officially met her yet but she looked a lot like Melina. "It's dark outside." She lay her head down on Elown's shoulders and her hand was near her mouth. She seemed extremely tired.

"Little one, Aiden has to go back before it gets really really dark out." Ralph explained in a somewhat childish voice. "He's gotta make sure his food and stuff is alright then he's got to sleep so he can wake up bright and early." The hand which was close to Melina's mouth was then reached out to me andI didn't know what to do. I looked at her mother for a bit of help.

"You wanna give uncle Aiden a hug?" Elowen's sweet voice asked. It was light and airy. It was the kind of voice which made you feel like she would never be able to get mad at you. Little Melina nodded and she was passed to me. She wrapped both her arms around my neck and both her legs around my torso. She was cuteness personified.

"Nighty night uncle Aiden." Melina's tired voice whispered into my ear as she gave me a soft peck on the cheek. My heart warmed up like I had walked in from a snowstorm and then melted. I was sure that my eyes were big and full of adoration as the small being hugged me close.

"Don't let the bears bite!" Channon and Channing shouted in unison as they bolted past me and out of the open front door. Abilene had stopped chasing after them once they had left through the door. She crossed her arms and watched them run, leaning on the doorframe.

"Bears?" Melina's eyes widened and she turned her head to look at me. I recognised the look on her face. It was the same face which Harlow used when he asked me to look for monsters under the bed. "There's no bears at Aiden's tent right?" Her mother and Ralph chuckled lightly. I shook my head with a smile.

"I shall be safe and sound, don't you worry." I said happily and booped her nose. She scrunched up her nose and giggled, rubbing where I had touched. She reached her arm back to her mother and I passed her back. Melina resumed her former position, snuggling into her mother's shoulder.

Saying goodbye was rather quick and normal from there, I had stuck my head around the living room wall and said goodbye to Tempest, Rhodes, Moss and Beaumont. I still haven't met Hollis, apparently he was still on patrol. That's what Ralph told me when we were still standing in the passage.

Nearly as soon as we walked through the doorway I had turned to Ralph with a smile on my face. "Melina will be the death of me." He barked a laugh and started to walk away from the pack house. He had his hands in his pockets and his hair was wild. It was getting rather dark, so I oculdn't see much of his face.

"I completely agree." He snickered out as he finished laughing. "She will be the saviour of this pack. If we are ever up against a mighty foe we will just show them little one and they will instantly melt."

Part of the Pack (Book 1 in the 'part of' series)Where stories live. Discover now