Chapter 44 Plan B and ....developments

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Chapter 44 Plan B and...developments

Travis and his bodyguards didn't stay long. They walked back through the house as soon as they thought they'd threatened the pack enough. It was something which made me want to shy away. At the same time, I wanted to rise from my seat and look him dead in the eye. I wanted to challenge him. I knew that would be the death of me. I wouldn't be able to fight against a werewolf.

Yet, it seemed like he was giving up slightly. We thought that we had the advantage with the human touch. I still believed that. "That went well." Moss muttered with his arms crossed and his eyes on the ground. We had followed the men through the house to ensure that they didn't head into the living room, where the children are.

"We're still alive." Eben sighed and looked around. "Let's be grateful for that." Everyone was still on edge. We were all just scattered around the living room."Travis is dangerous. We know that. Though he doesn't seem to be threatening violence." He seemed unsure. I cleared my throat.

"Violence doesn't always mean going tooth to claw." I got everyone's attention. I was still holding Ralph's hand. I still felt like I shouldn't have much of an input. I felt like I shouldn't speak and that I was being a little bit harsh. I didn't want to assume that was all they were used to. "Violence could be with words. Like bringing down people's reputation, getting people kicked out of places, giving people bad names."

"But would that affect us?" Tempest asked with her brows furrowed. Several people nodded their heads. I wasn't really sure if it was to support Tempest's question or if they were taking in my words. "Nobody knows about us, we don't exist to anyone outside of the werewolf community."

"You still exist." I pressed, nodding towards her with a concerned look on my face. "You could be disturbed, they could tear the place down quicker. They seem to have power in both worlds. I know you're fearful of them" I looked towards Ralph and Lathen. "They know the fear that they create and they'll use it to their advantage."

After a moment of silence Beaumont looked at me, his expression was serious at first but it lightened up. He moved from where he was standing and clapped me on the shoulder. "I like how you talk.It's very...confident." He gave a smile before he clapped his hands. "Right. So what do we do now?" He looked from me to Ralph and then to Eben and Lathen. "Something has to change."

Lathen was quiet for a moment. He then suddenly walked into the centre of the room and looked around at us. He was turning in a circle. I could see hoope shining in his eyes as well as determination. "Aiden, human communications. Hollis and Moss, patrol, Randall if you would please join them. Rhodes and Tempest, can you make sure we have everything we need for emergencies. Eben, I need to discuss some things with you. Ralph I take it you're going to stay with Aiden?"

Everyone gave some form of agreement and immediately started to spread out. Beaumont went to the door of the house, I assume he was going to keep watch in case anything happened or if those on patrol needed help. I knew what had to be done. Travis told us to put a stop to what we were doing. Apparently they have humans against us. They believe that we're powerless and low in numbers.

I got my laptop out again and went straight to Facebook. I created a private group. I immediately added Harlow's second account and others who have already agreed to sign the petition and be part of the protest. I quickly posted a status about it needing to be more private until we had all the support that we needed. Ralph watched me carefully the entire time.

"Do you think we can still do this?" He was a lot less confident then what he had been previously. "We're putting things together and it seems to all equal up as more danger." I stopped typing and looked towards him. I had been too concentrated on the mental checklist. I could see the fear in his eyes and the need to protect his family.

"I think we'll be able to do it."I gave a smile and reached over. I hesitated slightly before taking his hand. "The more answers we get, the more complicated it is. We've got to be careful and know exactly what we're getting ourselves into. Though if we stick together. We'll be able to do it." I gave a slight chuckle and shook my head. "The humans and the wolves, working together."

A sparkle came to his eyes as he gave a deep chuckle. "I like the sound of that. Human and the wolf." He nudged me slightly. "Especially when the human feels like part of the pack." I blinked once in shock before raising an eyebrow. A genuine smile appeared on my face.

"Is that so?" My voice was a little bit softer. "I like feeling as though I'm part of the pack." It was like time slowed as everything became quiet. We looked at each other. It was as though this was the calmness within the chaos. I didn't know I was moving closer and closer towards him until I could feel his breath on my face. I didn't realize what I was doing, even if I did, I'm not sure I would've tried to stop it.

Before I knew it our lips met. It was as though all the stress and worries we previously held fell away. It was as though a light had been shone on my freezing form. It was indescribable. At some point I had moved my laptop off my knee and placed my hand on his shoulder lightly. We were both directly facing each other. His hand found its way to cupping the side of my face. It was soft and gentle.

It made butterflies fly in my stomach uncontrollably. It didn't last long but as soon as his lips left mine they became cold and I missed him. I looked him in the eyes as we parted. I felt like there was a much deeper understanding between the two of us. We hadn't known each other for too long but I knew there was something deeper between us. There was an attraction I couldn't help but feel for him.

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