♡Peanut Butter

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" Baby I bought that cherry jam you love so much and peanut butter for George, he loves em in his sandwiches," Cloud says while putting the two items in the refrigerator.

"Well don't just stand there, come and help your mother," Cloud says with an undertone of irritation because Baby just stood there staring at nothing in particular.

Baby rushes to her mother's side and carries whatever her small hands could hold, to the refrigerator. Baby was still star-struck from earlier's events, even though she knew not why but she felt bundles of guilt bubbling up in her stomach.

"May I be of some assistance?" that voice both females know all to well asked humbly, it was George.

"Oh George I didn't know you were home," Cloud says playing with the curls in her hair trying to bring it back to the vibrancy it once was earlier that morning.

"Yes I just came a few minutes ago, Baby and I were just chatting, you know how she loves talking," George says coming to Cloud with arms wide open embracing her with a hug.

"Ah I see you bought that peanut butter I adore so much", George says while putting more food items into the refrigerator. He gives Baby a small wink to his right as she sat, a little exhausted from the dime size amount of work she had done, she wasn't accustomed to that.

"Why don't you go and rest Cloud we can take it from here, I know today teaching those kids must've been a bit stressful ", Cloud was a teacher, a nurturer to children and a candy store for George to which he never dared to have a taste of.

"Oh that'd be great love, I'll take a shower and then head to bed, oh and Baby, May can come over if you want," she said looking in her daughter's eyes while caressing her cheek.

"Sure, Mama I'll tell her," Baby said with a little quiver in her voice that was soon overpowered by the shattering of a glass that held her favorite drink, orange juice.

It was George fumbling with the glass and the ingredients for a peanut butter sandwich simultaneously, it didn't end well. Cloud looked at Baby and the girl wasted no time, she grabbed the cleaning apparatus and began the thing she dreaded more than anything, sweeping.

I don't understand this, it's too hard.

The sweet girl thought as she fumbled with the broom and grumbled under her breath, blowing the loose strand of hair away from her eyes. Cloud had already left after tsking George for his clumsiness.

He sat on the chair admiring his astonishingly beautiful Baby huff and puff at the ridiculously easy task called sweeping but said nothing.

He couldn't take seeing his Baby suffer anymore,

"Let me help with that," he said with his voice dropping a few octaves scaring the poor girl.

He crept behind her and held her as close as possible, while holding her both hands in his along with the broom and swept. They swayed to the motion while George let out a ragged breath that made Baby let out a tiny gasp or more so... a moan.

He made no attempt to react to her but just continued his fun little sweeping game, he called it in his head.

"There, now that wasn't so hard now was it?" he asked the girl, she looked up at him with a tiny pout forming on her lips that made his heart hurt.

"I kid, I absolutely kid Baby it was a bit difficult, I must admit," he lied but seeing a tiny smile form on her lips after, was worth it.

He smiled contently to himself watching her face relax from the upset one she wore before.

"How about we stop packing for a while and just sit on the couch for a while?" he asked showing her the grey couch on the other side of the house.

"Fine, but I want the strawberries mama bought for me to eat with my jam," the small girl demanded that the cruelest thug would melt at.

George obliged and told her to sit down and wait for it while he prepared it. She wasted no time to rest her weary legs, for her that was enough work for a lifetime.

The television flicked on to winx club and within a matter of seconds Baby's eyes were glued to the screen. This was her ultimate favourite show, to her nothing was better than this, in fact she would wake up at questionable hours at night to watch it before her mother awoke.

"Here you go Baby," the girl heard a distant voice say as she perked up to the thought of having those strawberries with jam.

"Thanks George," she lisped as one was already in her mouth while her finger wiped the jam off the top of the lid.

"Slow down Baby, it's not going anywhere," George said as he marveled at the young girl and what a massive tongue she had for her age.

George lifted her off the carpet she was definitely going to to get dirty and onto the end of his knee. Baby made no attempt to move or squirm as she was too engrossed in her 'dessert ' .

George leaned back on his chair and let out a heavy sigh, that went unnoticed by the little minx until he shifted his knee so that it was now pressing into her sweet spots.

"George I'm eating here!" she squealed out obviously shocked at the brief contact with a part of her body that was quite unknown to her.

"Sorry Baby, you may continue," George said innocently while pulling her closer, onto his lower body. A very very stifled groan escaped his lips, that only the one who caused it could hear.

Baby, as usual paid no attention to it and continued devouring her fruit of the day. Before she knew it George had the bowl and a strawberry pressed to her lips.

She took it from his fingers, after eating it his finger was still in her mouth and her mouth was still on his finger. They were in this position for quite a while, George pulled Baby closer on his lap and held her like that, his finger sliding in and out of her.

What's happening?

This was Baby's life, she never asked for it but it was given.

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