Chapter 6: The speech

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- Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, where we help you to find your inner rainbow! – Angel forces a smile on his face.

- What is this bullshit slogan and costume you're wearing? – Cherri Bomb steps closer to Angel.

- Cherri? Ah, don't ask... - Angel loosens up seeing his good friend - I talked back to Charlie, then she said that she is the Princess of Hell and I must obey her. At that point I was laughing hard as fuck. Then Vaggie got pissed, and she nearly killed me with her stupid spear. The next thing I know, is that I'm standing here at the front door of the hotel, with this fucking costume on, and I have to say this line whenever someone comes in. – He points at his bellboy uniform.

- Still better, than sucking some douchebag's dick for Valentino. – Cherri reminds Angel of the old times, when he had to work hard as a hooker besides being a pornstar.

- You know what? Maybe that is still better than this. – he points at the hotel - Anyway what are you doing here? Don't tell me that you want redemption. – he lets out a small laugh.

- Me? Redemption? No way! – laughs Cherri and leans on her other feet.

- Then what on earth are you doing here? – He looks at her questioningly.

- I saw Charlie on TV. Also, there was a non-stop radio commercial in the air.

- Ah yeah, Alastor was manipulating the radio stations. Angel motions mockingly with his hand.

- So Charlie said that she offers free alcohol today for everyone who attends her presentation. – Cherri takes a quick look inside of the hotel.

- Of course, no one would've come if there were no free alcohol. – Angel laughs out loud.

- How many demons are here? – Cherri sees some souls wandering in the hall.

- I don't fucking know and I don't even care. – Angel lights his cigarette - This is stupid! They are all here for the drinks, no one cares about redemption. – he exhales a large smoke - The Princess will fail again.

- Well it's her problem. – says Cherri - I guess I check out the bar. – She passes by Angel.

- Have fun in there! – Angel laughs as he waves Cherri goodbye.

In the meantime, at the conference room of the hotel.

- How many people are out there? – asks Charlie from Vaggie while walking around nervously in the backstage.

- Around 150-200. – answers Vaggie simply looking out through the curtains.

- What?! That's a lot! – Charlie panics - Oh my God I'm so nervous! – she folds her hands.

- Charlie, you will be alright. -Vaggie reaches her shoulders - You did this two times on TV, now it's no different. – she squeezes her - Just stand out there, and tell them how you feel.

- You are right Vaggie. – Charlie smiles at her, feeling calmer already - I can do this!

- That's the spirit! – she hugs her, stroking her back. She wishes to stay like this forever.

Now it's Charlie's last chance to tell her people what she is dreaming of. It's terrifying to go out there and talk to them after how the first TV interview went. The second one was all right thanks to the others, as they threatened the reporter to execute his whole family if he doesn't act enthusiastic. Still most of the demons don't believe in her. So it's all or nothing now.

- You can do it Charlie! – Mira stands next to her. She places a hand on Charlie's shoulder. "Wish I could have known you before." – she thinks – "What a powerful and energetic girl."

- Go go go! - Vaggie tosses Charlie out in front of the crowd.

- Hello everyone! – Charlie steps out of the dark in front of the audience - Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, where we help you to find your inner rainbow! I'm so happy that you all came. – she stops for a second a bit embarrassingly - This means that you all want to do something for your own soul.

Awkward silence in the crowd. So quite that you can hear it.

- The cocktails are great! – a demon shouts from the back row, next to the bar.

- Hit me with one, I'm getting sick of her speech already! – a reply flies through the room.

Husk annoyed grabs a bottle and throws directly at the one shouting back hitting him in the head.

- So as I said, I can't stand to watch that my people are dying every year during the Cleanse. she moves closer to the front row. Demons are looking at her bored. - I got the idea, that if I help you to get redemption – she gets right inside the part - then you can go up to Heaven and live happily ever after without getting killed forever. – she really believes in it. The others are watching from the back. Vaggie is so proud of her. She is nearly crying as she watches Charlie. "Such a pure heart. These demons don't deserve her!" – she thinks.

- Of course to do that you need to check in the hotel, and do our training. – she shows around with her hand proudly – You won't face this challenge alone; all my colleagues will help in this process to become a better version of yourself!

The crowd freezes for a second, then starts to bustle.

- Come on this is all bullshit. Let's move. – the demons start to move to the exit.

- Wait! Hold on! I'm not finished here! - Charlie tries to save the situation. - Hey! If the angels kill you, then there's no turning back, no afterlife! Don't you want to live? – her eyes filled with tears, when a loud voice crushes the air in the room.

- LISTEN UP YOU ASSHOLES! – Mira steps out from the back, everyone stops - This is your last and only chance to do something for yourselves. The Princess wants to save your souls, even though none of you deserves that. – the demons start to leave again.

"Shit not what I wanted. My brother was always better at this." – Mira thinks.

- If you get to Heaven, then you have the chance to have revenge on the Exterminator Angels. – she says simply.

That sentence has the effect. All the demons turn back to look at Mira with interest in their eyes.

- That's right! You have the chance to go up, act good for a while and then kick their asses! – eventually the crowd starts to move back into the room.

- Mira! – Charlie runs to Mira – This is not what I want. I want them to be good. Not just act like that and then be bad again!

- I know Charlie – Mira replies – but there is no other way or else they won't stay here in the hotel. This way they can be convinced to stay and work hard for redemption. – she says to Charlie quietly - During the process I'm sure that we can change their minds as they shift. - Charlie thinks about it for a second.

- Ah this is clever. – she says.

- Are you with me Princess? – Mira asks her.

- Yes, this could work. – she replies happily.

- So you God damn souls are you ready for revenge? – Mira asks the crowd.

A loud cheer comes from the demons. Everyone is screaming and shouting. They are all very excited. Mira turns back to the others proudly of herself with a huge smile on her face.

- Shall we begin?

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