Chapter 7: Chasing the light

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Redemption. Turning from evil to angel. Not an easy process but if your life is at risk, then you have no other choice. Especially if you can have revenge on those who killed your loved ones. Many demons have this feeling deep in their hearts. Or at least where their hearts used to be.

But what abilities do you need to be an angel? What is the first picture that comes to your mind when you hear the word „angel". Well you might think that angels are not only good, respectful and well-mannered, but also good looking. That means they have to work-out regularly.

- All right demons! – Vaggie shouts - Line up and start running around the garden. – she says like a commander to it's soldiers.

- Pff I thought we will be taught to behave. – an ugly and tall demon repines quietly at the end of the row - Such a fucked up training.

- What did you say? – Vaggie stands close to him, their faces nearly meet. „How dare this fucking demon talk like this?!" – she thinks.

- That you are a joke! – the demon looks her in the eye with no fear. Vaggie points her spear into his face.

- See this spear? Do you recognize it? – the demon gets scared -No? This is what the Exterminators use. Want me to kill you with it right away?

- Vaggie! – Charlie's voice is coming from behind.

- Yes Charlie? – Vaggie turns around to face the Princess.

- Could you be an angel and come here for a second? – Charlie waves her over. Vaggie marches to her immediately.

- What's up Charlie? – she asks.

-Look, I understand that it's hard to communicate with these demons – she says - but could you not threaten them with your spear? We are their hope! We have to be kind and patient with them. – she points to the spear.

- But!

- Vaggiiiieee! – Charlie looks at her with her huge eyes. Noone could resist that.

- Alright, you are right. – Vaggie says.

- Good! Keep up the good work! – Charlie leaves with a satisfied smile on her face. Vaggie follows Charlie with her gaze. She still has to maintain the discipline.

- Right! Back to you assholes! Start marching before I call some Exterminators!

So as you can see an angel should not only be athletic, but needs to know how to behave in different situations.

- Manners can be learned by anyone my dear demon fellows. – says Alastor as he walks up and down in front of a small crowd - Maybe we should start with how to act when you meet someone new. – he takes a look around to find someone who could help him, when he spots Charlie standing by the door.

- Oh Charlie! Such a fortunate coincidence that you are here my dear. – the crowd opens up - Would you be so kind and help me to demonstrate a situation to these fine gentlemen? he holds his hand.

- Sure Al. What should I do? – Charlie goes up to Alastor.

- Just act as we are on the street and we just met for the first time. – says he and takes some steps behind.

- Ooookay. – Charlie feels a bit stupid but if this is what needs to be done to teach a lesson to these demons then she won't question Alastor's teaching method. Alastor walks towards her and stops in front of her.

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