~Mystery Solved (Part 2)~

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~Your POV~

Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I walked out the Gryffindor Common Room after Hermione did a petrification spell on Neville, which I feel bad about, even though I didn't even do it.

"We need to go to the third floor." Harry recites from his head. "Alright." I say, so it wouldn't be awkward silence, and walk to the staircase that leads towards the 3rd floor.

Eventually, after who knows how long, we get to the familiar corridor, leading to the three headed beast. We all stop for a second, looking at it. I take a deep breath before mumbling. "Let's go." and leading the way towards the giant door.

I open the door slowly and silently, only to see three heads of a giant black dog, laying on the ground, with a giant black paw, on a trap door, and a soft sound of music playing, I look around the room to see where it's coming from, to see a harp playing on it's own, probably a charm put on it.

That's when it hit me, that we're too late. Snape already got to the room. He got passed the dog, he must've been the one that was at the bar. How else would he have known how to get passed the dog?

"He's already been here. The dog's asleep. We need to move it's paw to get to the stone before he can, if that's even possible, now." Harry says, as he starts cautiously walking towards the dog and the trap door, eyeing the dog, making sure he doesn't wake up.

I walk towards him, as well as Hermione and Ron, we surrounded the paw that was on the trap door. "On three." Harry said, as we all put our hands around the paw. "One... two... three." and we all use all our strength to life the giant paw off the trap door, and move it aside.

We set the paw down gently, next to one of the giant heads. Once we set it down, I back up slowly and quietly, not wanting to wake up the dog.

"Ok, now to open the trap door." Harry says, looking back at the trap door in the ground. We go over to the trap door, and collectively lift open the trap door.

"Ok.... Wait, does anyone else hear that?" I say, as I look at the trap door, but I hear this growling behind me. My face immediately drops as I realize that the soft noise of the harp isn't going on anymore, and that the only thing that could growl behind me, is the giant three headed dog.

I slowly turn my head to look at my friends, which are doing the same thing, before we all turn our bodies to look at the giant three headed dog that started to wake up, and one of the three heads, noticed us and growled at us while moving his head down towards us.

"Run." Is the only words that Harry said before we all started to dart towards the trap door. Hermione was the first to jump down, then Ron jumped down, I was about to jump down, when I looked behind me to see Harry looking at the three headed dog, trying to distract it. He looked back at me before saying "Go!"

I thought that he must be stupid, I ran towards him, grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the trap door and jump down into it with Harry trailing after me, us still holding hands, while the there headed dog, Fluffy, trailed after us as well, and shut the trap door with his paw as we jumped into it.

"AHHHH" I yelled, as I fell down, but then fell down into a giant mop of... vines? I looked around, and wondered what it was.

I realized I was still holding Harry's hand, and I let go, he moved his head towards me to see my face a light scarlet.

"This is... Devils Snare!" Hermione exclaimed with a gasp. "Devils Snare?" I asked. "You need to relax, or else it'll kill you faster." Hermione explains. "Oh yea, it'll kill me faster, now I could relax!" Ron exclaims sarcastically. Hermione ignores him as she closes her eyes, and I can see her visibly relax.

(Possibly Discontinuing) A Second James that Found his Lily (HarryPotterxReader)Where stories live. Discover now