~Food Fight~

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~Y/n's POV~

It was the next day, and I was able to do the stupid homework that Lockhart assigned us. Currently we're eating at the Great Hall. When a kid comes up to us. "No way, is it really Harry Potter?" the kid asked. "Yea, it's me." Harry said a little awkwardly and shyly.

I smirk at how shy he was, and no doubt he saw that smirk, he turn his attention back to the boy. "My name's Colin. I'm a muggle born and I'm taking pictures to send my parents. I've heard the pictures move here! Do you mind if I could take a picture of you?" Colin asked eagerly. "Sure." Harry said, reluctantly.

The camera was raised, a flash was made, grabbing some of the people's attention. "Cool!" the kid exclaimed. "Can you sign it?" He asks, just as eagerly. "Uh... sure." Harry says even more awkwardly now that people were paying attention to the scene. "Thank you!" The kid exclaims, as he looks at the picture and then runs off. "Hey guys! Look over here! Harry's giving out signed photos!" The idiotic voice of Draco Malfoy rings through the hall.

If the whole Hall wasn't listening, they sure were now. "Shove off, Malfoy." Harry says immediately. "Can I have a signed picture, Potter?" Malfoy mocks. "You're just like Lockhart, eh? Doesn't care anything other than their selves-" he gets cut off by me, that grabbed a bunch of chips and through it right at his face, one of them might've accidently got him in the eye. "Ow! Bloody hell! What was that for!?" he exclaims looking at me, that had a the poker face that I was taught equipped.

"Well, you're rambling about stuff that isn't even true, and nobody cares, if you couldn't tell." I say. "But of course, the little fan boy of Harry would obviously want to grab attention from others to show how big of a fan you are of him." I tease. "Shove off." Draco says angrily.

"Aww, look at that everyone, Malfoy is copying the words of the ones he admires!" I announce in fake enthusiasm as I recognize that's exactly what Harry said when Malfoy came over here, mocking him.

I hear some few snigger around me, and Malfoy looks around humiliated as more people start to giggle, snigger, and laugh.

"This isn't over, L/n." And with that, he leaves with his goons. And Ron and Harry burst out laughing when he starts leaving, not realizing that there's chips still on his clothing and in the hood of his Slytherin robes. Even Hermione gave a small smile.

"Brilliant, Y/n!" Harry exclaims. "I know, I'm brilliant aren't I." I say cockily. "You're starting to sound like Lockhart." Harry adds. I do a dramatic gasp as I take a handful of chips and throw it at him. He turns his head to not get hit by some of the chips that were flying towards his face. But I should've known that he doesn't back down easily.

He reaches across the table, grabbing some peas and then throwing them at me. "Hey!" I exclaim, going forward to grab some food off of my neighbors plate, but Harry already saw what I was doing and going over to his neighbors plate and we threw the food at each other. He hits me in the eye, and I do a gasp. We both had our mouths agape and slowly lifted our heads to face each other. People were looking at us. "Oh, this calls for war." I state, before getting out of my chair, as well as Harry, running around the table to collect as many pieces of food to throw at Harry, while he does the same.

"What is going on!" The strict voice of Professor McGonagall interrupts.

We freeze and and everyone remains silent. "Well? I don't have all day." Professor McGonagall says, looking at us all.

"U-uh umm, well I-" I'm brave enough to start saying, but I don't know what to say now. 'I started a big food fight with Harry and some people's joined in'?

With my speechlessness, McGonagall somehow knows. "You started a good fight with Harry and some people joined in?" She said annoyed. I looked down embarrassed and ashamed. And I wish I could just be erased from everyone's memories since I'm the center of attention.

(Possibly Discontinuing) A Second James that Found his Lily (HarryPotterxReader)Where stories live. Discover now