Chapter 7

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And I'm back with another update!!!!!!

"We're always getting the heck out of somewhere," Mike groaned. "Any clue where we're actually going?"

Erica shook her head. "I have no idea," she replied. "Act fast. Talk later. Don't bring anything. Follow me." She led us to what seemed like a door to a basement. She opened the door, and sure enough, there were carpeted stairs leading to a basement. We all followed Erica, heading down to what seemed like a regular old basement.

"Here," Erica signaled, throwing a door open to what looked like a supply closet. Only, being an Mi6 safehouse, it was stocked with weapons and ammunition. "Stock up."

Zoe, Mike and Jawa each grabbed a handgun each, and Erica stocked up on ammunition. I hesitantly grabbed two grenades and a handgun, because even if I wasn't going to use it, at least someone else could have a backup handgun.

"Done? Let's move," Erica told us, and we opened the door opposite to the supply closet. It led to a dug-out tunnel, and we headed down the tunnel somewhat hesitantly.

"Okay, now, can we talk?" Jawa whisper-yelled, like he was worried that someone would overhear us. "What the actual heck just happened?"

Erica stopped in her tracks, then after a few seconds she realized it was okay to talk here. "It looks like someone tipped us off. Somebody knows we're here and they want us, so we're evacuating the place. Emergency protocol," she explained.

"Could it be the CIA?" Zoe asked.

"Possibly," I replied. "Cyrus and Alexander must have thought our first destination would be here, in London."

Erica swore under her breath. "Great," she muttered. "We need to go someplace else."

"I called your mom," Mike offered, holding up the Mi6 phone I assumed he grabbed on the way out. "It's ringing."

There was a small smile playing across Erica's lips for a second, and she took the phone from him and put it on speaker. Catherine eventually did answer. "Erica?"

"Mom, our safety's been compromised," she calmly replied. "CIA officials know we're here."

The call was muted for a few seconds, and Erica raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Then Catherine came back on. "Sorry about that," she apologized. "There was some foul language you probably shouldn't have heard."

"Erica's foul language is foul enough," Mike muttered under his breath. "Catherine, I didn't know you swore."

"Oh, it wasn't me," Catherine replied, sounding slightly out of breath like she was on the run somewhere. "It was the guy who's chasing me."

"There's a guy chasing you?" I asked, confused. "Where are you?"

"Right outside the safehouse," Catherine replied. "I already knew your safety got compromised because the alarm alerted my phone too. Where are you children?"

Zoe surveyed our surroundings. "Underground," she replied. "The basement thingy."

"Stay right there," she commanded, and then we heard what sounded like a gunshot. "I mean right there. Don't move. I'm coming for you all, alright?"

"Okay," Erica replied. "Stay safe and don't get shot, mom."

"You know I won't," Catherine replied. "You bastard! You're shooting the safehouse! Mi6 spent a bloody lot of money building this!"

Erica ended the call. "We stay here," she said. "As much as I want to get in on the action, our safety is more important than anything. Most importantly Ben's safety."

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