A Little Picky- Jungkook x BTS

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This is a work from ao3. Unfortunately I cannot give credit to the author as it is an orphan_account. If you don't know what that is , feel free to ask me in the comments!
Caregivers: BTS (mainly Jin)
Little: Jungkook
Age Range: 2-3

Jungkook stumbles into the kitchen with flushed cheeks, but a bright, breathless smile. The kitchen smells wonderful - Jin and Jimin had spent the morning baking, in a bid to cheer up a grumpy Yoongi who had been having a few late nights - and it's pleasantly warm. Their apartment isn't cold, not at all, but Jungkook spends most of his time in littlespace either snuggling with someone, or with his blanket being dragged with him. It's nice to be cosy.

In front of him, Taehyung is fiddling with the rice cooker, while Seokjin is checking that the pork is cooked through. Jungkook's smile drops into a frown. Gross.

When he's big, Jungkook is a huge fan of all things meat. He'll eat anything put on his plate, no questions asked, and rarely complains about the quality of food. He's just grateful that someone has made him a warm meal. However, little Jungkook is a bit of a brat sometimes. In his household, he always gets what he asks for, so feeding him dinner isn't just giving him a bowlful of whatever everyone else is having. It's either separating components of the meal (he doesn't like it mixed together) or cooking a entirely new dish. And sometimes, it's really tiring. Not that any one of his caregivers and friends would ever dream of saying so, because they love him too much to make him worry about being a burden.

Jungkook lifts his arms up in the general direction of Seokjin, trying to get his attention.

"Hold on, Kookie, I'm just finishing up with this-" Seokjin says, distracted. The pork is cooked all the way through, but he's worried about it being too hard to chew, especially since everyone's too tired to do much of anything this evening. Mostly, they've either been entertaining Jungkook or playing video games. "- this pork. Are you going to try and eat some for me tonight?"

Thoughtfully, Jungkook bites his bottom lip. He wants to be a good boy, and eat his dinner, but he knows that pork loin makes him feel all icky afterwards. It takes too long to chew, which makes him antsy, and then he makes himself feel sick by moving around too much while he eats.

"Dunno... maybe." He mutters, bringing a finger up to his mouth to chew on anxiously.

He thinks about how excited the others get when he eats his dinner properly. Honestly, Jungkook loves being told he's done a good job, whether he's feeling small or not, but a part of him knows that it's a risk to eat something he knows he doesn't like. Everyone gets a little antsy when he doesn't eat his dinner.

Seokjin sighs, almost inaudibly, but Jungkook is close enough to hear it. "Can you at least try, for me? I won't be mad if it doesn't work out, but it'll be nice to see you giving it a go."

Behind them, Jimin floats into the kitchen, droopy after spending the day mostly sat on the couch. He falls into the bar stool heavily, watching everyone in the kitchen with little interest. Even the ever-patient and always calm Namjoon had told him gently to pester somebody else. He knew better to bug Yoongi and Hoseok, who were sleeping on their own beds respectively, so he's wandered into the kitchen in search of friends.

He leans on his hands and whines. "Why can't we have McDonald's? We haven't had McDonald's in ages!"

Eagerly, Jungkook looks at Jimin and tries to catch his eyes. "Mimin!"

Jimin's face lights up, and his mouth stretches into a big smile. "Jungkookie! I've missed you today!"

Jungkook clambers into Jimin's lap as Seokjin and Taehyung start putting food on plates, just how everyone likes it. Most of them have their vegetables mixed in with their rice, but Jungkook and Namjoon have theirs separately. Taehyung is even gracious enough to remind Seokjin to only give Jungkook a little bit of pork.

Jimin makes an exaggerated noise as he sees Jungkook's stingy portion size.

"You gonna eat more than that? You need it to be strong!"

But not even the promise of being strong can make Jungkook eat his dinner. He just whines and pushes himself further into Jimin, and therefore away from his plate, which is being filled. There is nothing Jungkook hates more than being made to eat his dinner. Sometimes, if he throws a big enough tantrum, he'll get sent into time out, even though it's the middle of dinner, or the part of the evening where punishments are usually disregarded.

Seokjin sets Jungkook's plate in the little's seat, and Jimin nudges him to sit in his own chair at the table.

The pout doesn't leave Jungkook's lips as he sits and waits for the others to arrive. He just wants a bottle, not this gross food. But, at the same time, he doesn't want to make anyone mad. The big part of him urges him to just be grateful and eat his meal like everyone else. Despite this, the little version of himself wins over and he looks to Jimin, bottom lip wobbling.

Jimin coos, but doesn't cave. "Jungkookie, it's not the end of the world - it's just one plate of food," He reassures the little, pointing to his own plate, expression gentle. "Look, I have even more than you!"

Tears pool in Jungkook's eyes. He hates eating dinner.

Even Yoongi, a constantly calm but firm caregiver, looks concerned. "Which part is yucky?"

Jungkook starts crying then, reaching out desperately for Seokjin with grabbing palms. His lips are quivering as he takes shaky breaths. Luckily, Namjoon is gracious enough to lift him up and over his lap so that Seokjin can put him into his own. The table is hushed as Jungkook is exchanged from man to man.

Seokjin holds Jungkook close as his crying ceases, and he'd be a fool to not notice the guilty looks on Jimin's face.

"Okay, you're okay," Seokjin promises, before gently brushing hair from over Jungkook's eyes. "What's wrong? You've been avoiding dinner for a while now. Do you want something else instead? I'm sure TaeTae would be happy to make you some toast or ramen noodles."

Taehyung nods eagerly.

Jungkook takes a shuddering breath as he answers. "B-bottle."

Seokjin coos and gestures for Taehyung to start working on it, which he does, almost immediately. While they wait, Jungkook seems perfectly content to snuggle as Seokjin finishes his dinner.

Thankfully, bottles are quick and easy to make - even with the protein powder mixed in - and Taehyung is handing over a bottle and taking his place at the table within a few minutes. They all watch as Seokjin moves the bottle towards Jungkook's mouth, the younger taking it eagerly.

Dinner resumes as normal, light conversation picking up again.

Seokjin doesn't think he's been more relieved in his life.

Feel free to leave any questions or suggestions in the comments!

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