It's Alright- Yoonkook (Part One)

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Credit- scalarkie (ao3)
Caregiver: Yoongi
Little: Jungkook
Age Range: ???

Jungkook can feel panic beginning to rise in his chest the further he follows Yoongi into the store. He desperately wants to go home, but he promised himself that he'd be a good boy and spend some time with his favourite hyung. After the promotions, he really needed to make sure that he was repairing the hurt he'd caused during particularly snappy moods he'd been in. So, he was starting with Yoongi.

Yoongi turns around and holds up a watch, eyes sparkling. "What do you think about this one, Kookie?" He asks.

"It's lovely," Jungkook promises, albeit weakly. Setting down the watch, Yoongi spins around, but his facial expression is gentle and caring.

"Are you alright? You look like you're on another planet," The older says, shuffling his feet. "How about we take a break and get something to drink, and then we can come back to shopping. I know that how I shop isn't really your thing."

Relief floods Jungkook and he nods. Taehyung and Yoongi love shopping together, because they like to take a leisurely stroll and pick things up that spark their interest. Jungkook, however, likes to either go shopping for one specific thing, or order online to avoid the crowds. A break in the midst of navigating a mall with Yoongi sounds like heaven.

They wander down to the food court with their masks pulled over their faces. It's not busy, and the majority of the people around are parents with young children or elderly, so the chance of them being noticed and followed is slim, but they have to take precautions. The last thing either of them need is for someone to start pestering them for photos. If they haven't been recognised yet, the attention would attract other people.

They pass a music store on the way to the escalator that has their faces plastered on the side of the door. It's weird to look at yourself. Jungkook relaxes his shoulders and bumps his shopping bag with Yoongi's goodnaturedly as they stand on the escalator.

Once they arrive in the food court, they loiter at a table with their drinks.

Jungkook starts to feel a little fuzzy, a soft haze settling over everything, and he realises that he's starting to bend to the will of his headspace. He jolts from where his head was on his hand, and shrinks in on himself, horrified. He adores Yoongi - the older feels the same - but the whole being-a-toddler thing is most definitely out of the norm. The last thing he wants, apart from turning little in public, is to be that vulnerable in front of one of his closest friends. For all he knows, Yoongi could mock him, or leave him in the food court alone, or something else equally distressing.

Yoongi raises an eyebrow at Jungkook, a hand coming to tap at his kneecap. "Are you feeling okay? You've been weird all day, are you sick?"

A beat passes before Jungkook shakes his head, stuttering back into life. "Sorry. Just tired," He smiles sheepishly, lying as best he can, despite the look Yoongi's giving. He knows something is up. "I, uh, stayed up late playing games with some of my friends. Won't do it again."

Jungkook's speech is starting to slip. He's dropping words from his sentences like he would in littlespace, and he almost cries when he realises that he's lisping like a baby. This is so humiliating.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, kid," Yoongi smiles and sips at his drink. "If you're too tired, we can go home. No problem."

More fuzziness. Jungkook shakes his head again, more aggressively this time. "No, that's okay."

"There's only one more shop I want to go to anyway," Yoongi replies, staring into the distance blankly. He looks older than before, maybe due to exhaustion. "We won't be long. Then we can go home, and watch a movie or something."

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