It's Alright- Yoonkook (Part Two)

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Credit: scalarkie (ao3)

Caregiver: Yoongi
Little: Jungkook
Age Range: 1-2

Jungkook stumbles through the doorway of Yoongi's room, cheeks sticky with tears. His hands are clenched tight around some of the soft cotton material of his shirt, twisting the fabric around his hands, again and again. It's two a.m.

Gently, Jungkook rests his hands on the edge of the mattress, peering over the blankets to look at Yoongi's face in the dim light that's shining through the parted curtains. Normally, he'd clamber into his caregiver's arms now, and he'd be greeted by a kiss to the crown of his head. Today, however, he's going to have to approach waking the older up differently.

He closes his hand around Yoongi's shoulder and shakes him gently. "Yoongi? Yoongi?"

Yoongi turns over, groaning into his pillow. "Are we late? I swear I only just got into bed." His hair pokes out at odd angles, and Jungkook feels a hot rush of guilt when he sees the dark circles under the older's eyes.

"Please wake up," Jungkook says, shaking the older more roughly. He hiccups around his tears. "Yoongi, wake up."

The older blinks his eyes open just a little; enough to peer at his little. Not understanding the situation, he opens his arms, inviting the younger for a hug. "Did you have a nightmare, bug?" He coos. "Come here, I've got you."

He watches Jungkook's face crumple and fresh tears drip off of his chin and onto his shirt. At the same time, his eyes adjust to the darkness, and he gives Jungkook a once-over, checking that he hasn't hurt himself, or something equally horrifying. Instead of the simple tearfulness he'd expected, he sees the dark wet patch on the front of the younger's shorts, some - what he assumes is pee - dripping down his leg. His socks are wet.

"Oh, sweetheart, did you have an accident?" Yoongi questions, sitting up and swinging his legs over the bed. His little falls to the ground and curls into a ball, still crying. He's obviously overtired and embarrassed, so Yoongi takes his hand and gently pulls him to his feet. "Don't you worry, I'll fix you up. We'll get you some clean underwear, a fresh pair of shorts, and a snuggle. How about that?"

Jungkook's bottom lip wobbles. "Snuggle." He agrees easily, and squeezes Yoongi's hand.

Yoongi puts his hand on the small of the younger's back and guides him into the toilet, where he has him stand in the bathtub. He shuts the door behind him, making sure it's locked in case of any wandering members, and opens the cabinet below the sink. There's always clothes stored in there - Jimin's stomach gets upset all the time, Hoseok refuses to admit that he's lactose intolerant, and Seokjin's an idiot who spills toothpaste on himself regularly - so he helps himself to a pair of black boxers and sweats.

Once he's got the clothes, he sets them down on the toilet lid before turning back to Jungkook.

"How small are you?" He asks, taking note of Jungkook's glazed-over eyes and pouty expression. The younger holds up two uncertain fingers and then shoves them into his mouth. "Okay, looks like I'm doing the cleanup, then."

Before he can redress Jungkook, Yoongi needs to wash the drying urine off of his legs. He could get a rash.

He wets a towel, and leaves it on the edge of the sink while he pulls Jungkook's underwear and shorts down. They fall into a wet heap around his ankles, and it reminds Yoongi to remove Jungkook's wet socks while he's at it. Once the clothes are off, Yoongi moves them to the end of the bath where the plughole is, and grabs the towel. He gently wipes Jungkook's legs down, before using the other, dry, side of the towel to dry him off.

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